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Stories from November 24, 2020
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1. Metal monolith found by helicopter crew in Utah desert (bbc.co.uk)
906 points by m1 on Nov 24, 2020 | 493 comments
2. Email a Dumpster Fire (hey.science)
1049 points by bschne on Nov 24, 2020 | 326 comments
3. What was it like to be a software engineer at NeXT? (quora.com)
419 points by Austin_Conlon on Nov 24, 2020 | 220 comments
4. Jane Street Market Prediction ($100k Kaggle competition) (kaggle.com)
357 points by tosh on Nov 24, 2020 | 208 comments
5. Microsoft 365 has employee surveillance and analytics built in (twitter.com/wolfiechristl)
981 points by ColinWright on Nov 24, 2020 | 436 comments
6. Walmart router, others on Amazon, eBay have hidden backdoors to control devices (cybernews.com)
352 points by bmcn2020 on Nov 23, 2020 | 232 comments
7. You might not need machine learning (nullprogram.com)
437 points by chmaynard on Nov 24, 2020 | 193 comments
8. US internet speeds 91% faster in 2020 according to user speed tests (fairinternetreport.com)
208 points by mootothemax on Nov 24, 2020 | 261 comments
9. Tips for Performant TypeScript (github.com/microsoft)
281 points by nkjoep on Nov 24, 2020 | 113 comments
10. On the bonkers color palette of Garfield comics (wondermark.com)
329 points by zdw on Nov 23, 2020 | 118 comments
11. Learn difficult concepts with the ADEPT method (2014) (betterexplained.com)
270 points by adamzerner on Nov 24, 2020 | 45 comments
12. How Rainbow Tables Work (kuliukas.com)
124 points by susam on Nov 24, 2020 | 28 comments
13. P² quantile estimator – estimating the median without storing values (aakinshin.net)
136 points by ciprian_craciun on Nov 24, 2020 | 48 comments
14. MyNOR: Single board computer that uses a single NOR gate as its ALU (mynor.org)
232 points by sohkamyung on Nov 24, 2020 | 67 comments
15. The Timing of Evolutionary Transitions Suggests Intelligent Life Is Rare (twitter.com/anderssandberg)
168 points by rendall on Nov 24, 2020 | 119 comments
16. Progress bars still lie (utk.edu)
201 points by pavehawk2007 on Nov 24, 2020 | 227 comments
17. FreeBSD Commands Cheat Sheet (github.com/sbz)
190 points by vermaden on Nov 24, 2020 | 54 comments
18. The New York Public Library’s Last, Secret Apartments (2016) (atlasobscura.com)
209 points by meifun on Nov 24, 2020 | 60 comments
19. Scaleway Stardust Instances (scaleway.com)
124 points by Sami_Lehtinen on Nov 24, 2020 | 71 comments
20. Aurora 7 Prototype – 7 Screen Laptop (expanscape.com)
193 points by 882542F3884314B on Nov 24, 2020 | 185 comments
21. AWS Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (amazon.com)
118 points by soamv on Nov 24, 2020 | 67 comments
22. No surprises here – On the absence of information in today’s media (turningchaos.com)
128 points by s3v on Nov 24, 2020 | 100 comments
23. Raspberry Pi Webcam (github.com/geerlingguy)
172 points by geerlingguy on Nov 23, 2020 | 74 comments
24. IHP – A Haskell web framework (github.com/digitallyinduced)
148 points by laobiz on Nov 23, 2020 | 39 comments
25. Ethereum 2.0 – Minimum deposit reached (ethereum.org)
271 points by leesalminen on Nov 24, 2020 | 257 comments
26. TCP Performance problems related to Nagle’s Algorithm and Delayed ACK (2005) (stuartcheshire.org)
133 points by lladnar on Nov 24, 2020 | 32 comments
27. Verilog to Minecraft Redstone Synthesizer (github.com/itsfrank)
174 points by parkertomatoes on Nov 24, 2020 | 12 comments
28. Superoptimizer – A Look at the Smallest Program [pdf] (1987) (stanford.edu)
76 points by bryanrasmussen on Nov 24, 2020 | 30 comments
29. How to use Reddit to get your first users (spreadtheworld.net)
205 points by xavier_ on Nov 24, 2020 | 148 comments
30. Why AWS loves Rust, and how we’d like to help (amazon.com)
492 points by carllerche on Nov 24, 2020 | 325 comments

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