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Stories from June 22, 2012
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1. Bye Bye Craigslist (padmapper.com)
586 points by ericd on June 22, 2012 | 297 comments
2. We will try to stop fixing bugs in PHP (php.net)
382 points by robbiet480 on June 22, 2012 | 300 comments
3. Building high-level features using large scale unsupervised learning (research.google.com)
279 points by marshallp on June 22, 2012 | 183 comments
4. Show HN: A new way to view IAmA's on Reddit (topiama.com)
263 points by xpose2000 on June 22, 2012 | 65 comments
5. Save Padmapper: Craigslist is wrong to shut them down. An open letter to Craig (garrytan.com)
252 points by ericz on June 22, 2012 | 97 comments
6. Interactive visualization of commute times for all US cities (trulia.com)
229 points by shashashasha on June 22, 2012 | 83 comments
7. The Scam Wall Street Learned from the Mafia (rollingstone.com)
199 points by MaxGabriel on June 22, 2012 | 71 comments
8. Python Packaging: Hate, hate, hate everywhere (pocoo.org)
191 points by uggedal on June 22, 2012 | 115 comments
9. Ubuntu's Plans To Implement UEFI SecureBoot: No GRUB2 (phoronix.com)
156 points by pwg on June 22, 2012 | 135 comments
10. Haskell powered companies (haskell.org)
151 points by sarchertech on June 22, 2012 | 71 comments
11. China: Nvidia Loses Face and a 10 Million PC Order over Linux Drivers and NRE's (brightsideofnews.com)
145 points by esbwhat on June 22, 2012 | 54 comments
12. Alan Turing's 100th Birthday - Mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, scientist (wikipedia.org)
146 points by sparknlaunch on June 22, 2012 | 19 comments
13. Clojure-powered Startups (infoq.com)
139 points by puredanger on June 22, 2012 | 59 comments
14. Microsoft Research make breakthrough in audio speech recognition (technet.com)
138 points by sparknlaunch on June 22, 2012 | 44 comments
15. What Darwin's Theory of Evolution Reveals About Artificial Intelligence (theatlantic.com)
136 points by llambda on June 22, 2012 | 84 comments
16. Google to launch Amazon, Microsoft cloud competitor at Google I/O 2012 (gigaom.com)
130 points by iProject on June 22, 2012 | 128 comments
17. How LinkedIn betrayed a 5-man startup (thenextweb.com)
120 points by gsibble on June 22, 2012 | 58 comments
18. Arbitrage And Equilibrium In The Team Fortress 2 Economy (valvesoftware.com)
108 points by ekosz on June 22, 2012 | 23 comments
19. EVE players abuse faction warfare to produce trillions of ISK (joystiq.com)
101 points by cremnob on June 22, 2012 | 53 comments
20. SVG, Use it Already (dbushell.com)
95 points by felipellrocha on June 22, 2012 | 65 comments
21. Common Blogging Mistakes Made by Startups (technicalblogging.com)
89 points by acangiano on June 22, 2012 | 39 comments
22. Comcast Wins Protest Against “Shake Down” of BitTorrent Pirates (torrentfreak.com)
88 points by lightspot on June 22, 2012 | 18 comments
23. Eric Schmidt's thoughts about Pakistan (plus.google.com)
88 points by irfan on June 22, 2012 | 118 comments
24. ZeroRPC (dotcloud.com)
87 points by m0th87 on June 22, 2012 | 34 comments
25. Things you (probably) don't know about Go (wh3rd.net)
88 points by enneff on June 22, 2012 | 39 comments
26. Number Script - A Little Language that compiles to JavaScript (github.com/substack)
79 points by binarydreams on June 22, 2012 | 29 comments
27. Show HN: Pixate - Themeable, scalable, beautiful buttons for iOS (pixate.com)
78 points by pcolton on June 22, 2012 | 22 comments
28. JQuery 1.8b1: what’s new? (jquery.com)
78 points by robin_reala on June 22, 2012 | 45 comments
29. Someone memorialized my Facebook profile but I'm still alive (webapps.stackexchange.com)
75 points by phwd on June 22, 2012 | 24 comments
30. Cue: The 10 hour scramble to launch two days early (cueup.com)
79 points by rwalker on June 22, 2012 | 60 comments

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