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Stories from February 5, 2020
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1. Wacom tablets track every app you open (robertheaton.com)
1594 points by krithix on Feb 5, 2020 | 449 comments
2. What's SAP? (retool.com)
1221 points by dvdhsu on Feb 5, 2020 | 600 comments
3. Surveillance on UK council websites [pdf] (brave.com)
562 points by pier25 on Feb 5, 2020 | 145 comments
4. Twitter says an attacker used its API to match usernames to phone numbers (zdnet.com)
367 points by spzx on Feb 4, 2020 | 231 comments
5. Firefox Preview adds support for recommended extensions, including uBlock Origin (twitter.com/aissn)
694 points by Aissen on Feb 4, 2020 | 323 comments
6. Scaling to 100k Users (alexpareto.com)
650 points by sckwishy on Feb 5, 2020 | 186 comments
7. Bocker – Docker implemented in around 100 lines of Bash (2015) (github.com/p8952)
543 points by sturza on Feb 5, 2020 | 196 comments
8. Finland to give dads same parental leave as mums (bbc.com)
683 points by SJSque on Feb 5, 2020 | 587 comments
9. Nature will publish peer review reports as a trial (nature.com)
239 points by aaavl2821 on Feb 5, 2020 | 105 comments
10. Netflix Now Streaming AV1 on Android (netflixtechblog.com)
295 points by discreditable on Feb 5, 2020 | 135 comments
11. Anatomy of a Rental Phishing Scam (jeffreyladish.com)
335 points by landfish on Feb 5, 2020 | 150 comments
12. 0day vulnerability in firmware for HiSilicon-based DVRs, NVRs and IP cameras (habr.com)
347 points by mcsoft on Feb 5, 2020 | 118 comments
13. macOS Kernel Extensions are officially deprecated (developer.apple.com)
337 points by ameshkov on Feb 5, 2020 | 328 comments
14. Using neural networks to upscale a famous 1896 video to 4k quality (arstechnica.com)
349 points by eyegor on Feb 4, 2020 | 158 comments
15. Website data leaks pose greater risks than most people realize (seas.harvard.edu)
194 points by tonicb on Feb 5, 2020 | 31 comments
16. ZZ is a modern formally provable dialect of C (github.com/aep)
266 points by the_duke on Feb 5, 2020 | 153 comments
17. End-of-Life Announcement for CoreOS Container Linux (coreos.com)
180 points by thebeardisred on Feb 5, 2020 | 78 comments
18. The Grand Unified Theory of Rogue Waves (quantamagazine.org)
136 points by theafh on Feb 5, 2020 | 41 comments
19. Unix System Programming with Standard ML (2001) [pdf] (mlton.org)
142 points by vector_spaces on Feb 5, 2020 | 47 comments
20. Using ‘radioactive data’ to detect if a data set was used for training (facebook.com)
162 points by olibaw on Feb 5, 2020 | 26 comments
21. The mysterious disappearance of Google's click metric (zdnet.com)
136 points by PolandKid on Feb 5, 2020 | 61 comments
22. Learn X in Y minutes Where X=Prolog (learnxinyminutes.com)
130 points by rbanffy on Feb 4, 2020 | 53 comments
23. Attacking Ruby on Rails applications (2016) (phrack.org)
131 points by bryan_cooper on Feb 5, 2020 | 37 comments
24. Sometimes, requiring explanability is counterproductive (facebook.com)
148 points by metahost on Feb 5, 2020 | 105 comments
25. Petri Nets Are Monoids (1990) [pdf] (core.ac.uk)
72 points by boshomi on Feb 4, 2020 | 28 comments
26. Space Frigates (spacefrigates.com)
182 points by nbrempel on Feb 5, 2020 | 106 comments
27. Over 550 videos of 870 talks from FOSDEM 2020 have now been uploaded (fosdem.org)
401 points by jonatron on Feb 5, 2020 | 55 comments
28. AT&T Hobbit (wikipedia.org)
92 points by kick on Feb 4, 2020 | 21 comments
29. Knightmare: A DevOps Cautionary Tale (2014) (dougseven.com)
120 points by redredhathat on Feb 5, 2020 | 33 comments
30. Show HN: Hacker News Trends (eliot-jones.com)
137 points by UglyToad on Feb 4, 2020 | 68 comments

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