1. | | Show HN: I'm 14, I learned Objective-C, and this is my first iPhone game (itunes.apple.com) |
386 points by Omicron3141 on Nov 2, 2012 | 175 comments
2. | | Why it is Awesome to be a Girl in Tech (nerdess.net) |
369 points by nerdess on Nov 2, 2012 | 248 comments
3. | | Not one Microsoft product on Kaspersky’s top 10 vulnerabilities list (thenextweb.com) |
326 points by tarekayna on Nov 2, 2012 | 135 comments
4. | | A Slower Speed of Light (gamelab.mit.edu) |
284 points by po on Nov 2, 2012 | 105 comments
5. | | A life less posted (elezea.com) |
256 points by marban on Nov 2, 2012 | 89 comments
6. | | Escape from Callback Hell: Callbacks are the modern goto (elm-lang.org) |
247 points by wheatBread on Nov 2, 2012 | 147 comments
7. | | Start Something Small (joel.is) |
219 points by dohertyjf on Nov 2, 2012 | 37 comments
8. | | More than 1MM Facebook accounts exposed (google.com) |
185 points by nico-roddz on Nov 2, 2012 | 166 comments
9. | | Nobody’s going to steal your idea (johndcook.com) |
171 points by octopus on Nov 2, 2012 | 109 comments
10. | | Permission to Suck (kadavy.net) |
166 points by rishi on Nov 2, 2012 | 44 comments
11. | | No Copyrights on APIs: Help Us Make The Case (eff.org) |
135 points by apievangelist on Nov 2, 2012 | 25 comments
12. | | Apple has lost their legal claim to the iPhone name in Mexico (phonearena.com) |
125 points by mun2mun on Nov 2, 2012 | 67 comments
13. | | Android now powers 75% of all smartphones sold (extremetech.com) |
124 points by 11031a on Nov 2, 2012 | 179 comments
14. | | Ruby 2.0.0-preview1 is out (nagaokaut.ac.jp) |
115 points by tenderlove on Nov 2, 2012 | 62 comments
15. | | Whatever It Takes: Visualizations in E-mail with d3.js (parsely.com) |
116 points by pixelmonkey on Nov 2, 2012 | 52 comments
16. | | Why I love everything you hate about Java (magicscalingsprinkles.wordpress.com) |
114 points by of on Nov 2, 2012 | 93 comments
17. | | Here's the simple rule you need to know when using a foreign ATM (transferwise.com) |
113 points by syc on Nov 2, 2012 | 52 comments
18. | | How deep learning on GPUs wins datamining contest without feature engineering (kaggle.com) |
110 points by doobwa on Nov 2, 2012 | 13 comments
19. | | Google Nexus 4: Nearly flawless (wired.com) |
108 points by srathi on Nov 2, 2012 | 137 comments
20. | | NoSQL databases benchmark: Cassandra, HBase, MongoDB, Riak (networkworld.com) |
102 points by teoruiz on Nov 2, 2012 | 39 comments
21. | | Aerographite: six times lighter than air, conductive, and super-strong (extremetech.com) |
95 points by razzaj on Nov 2, 2012 | 35 comments
22. | | Hey, C Is a Functional Language Too (atomicobject.com) |
94 points by haileys on Nov 2, 2012 | 74 comments
23. | | Wiring a Generator to Your House (wattvision.com) |
95 points by savrajsingh on Nov 2, 2012 | 71 comments
24. | | The Architecture of Datomic (infoq.com) |
89 points by chillax on Nov 2, 2012 | 19 comments
25. | | Learn Shen (shenlanguage.org) |
88 points by dmmalam on Nov 2, 2012 | 49 comments
26. | | How Georgia doxed a Russian hacker (and why it matters) (arstechnica.com) |
86 points by shawndumas on Nov 2, 2012 | 18 comments
27. | | Chrome Canary for Developers (paulirish.com) |
86 points by benackles on Nov 2, 2012 | 37 comments
28. | | How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Automated Database Failover (braintreepayments.com) |
81 points by michaelfairley on Nov 2, 2012 | 5 comments
29. | | Hacker News new logo concept (dribbble.com) |
76 points by jglovier on Nov 2, 2012 | 37 comments
30. | | November 5th is Clang Day (freebsd.org) |
69 points by gcoleman on Nov 2, 2012 | 23 comments
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