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Stories from January 22, 2011
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1. JavaScript ( (__ = $ + $)[+$] + ({} + $)[_/_] +({} + $)[_/_] ) (adamcecc.blogspot.com)
403 points by there on Jan 22, 2011 | 46 comments
2. Free Wordpress themes coming with a price (wpmu.org)
285 points by fwdbureau on Jan 22, 2011 | 141 comments
3. Do It Yourself Masters in Financial Engineering (hiremebecauseimsmart.com)
194 points by genieyclo on Jan 22, 2011 | 86 comments
4. MRI shows meditation changes brain structure in 8 weeks (esciencenews.com)
173 points by metageek on Jan 22, 2011 | 54 comments
5. Fun with HTTP headers (nextthing.org)
128 points by coderdude on Jan 22, 2011 | 14 comments
6. Regex generator: Give sample text, look for known patterns, gives a regex (txt2re.com)
116 points by xtacy on Jan 22, 2011 | 12 comments
7. Python, the Web and Little Things on my Mind (pocoo.org)
112 points by mattyb on Jan 22, 2011 | 33 comments
8. Hans Reiser: former genius, convicted murderer and future mad scientist? (tacomaconfidential.typepad.com)
104 points by pessimizer on Jan 22, 2011 | 83 comments
9. Writing Python 2.x forward compatible to Python 3 code (pocoo.org)
94 points by bretpiatt on Jan 22, 2011 | 22 comments
10. Get Off Your Butt: How to Get Motivated When You’re in a Slump (zenhabits.net)
92 points by rblion on Jan 22, 2011 | 18 comments
11. Get your rejection on with the Journal of Universal Rejection (pacificu.edu)
84 points by ednoott on Jan 22, 2011 | 6 comments
12. Time Complexity of Python Data Structures (python.org)
82 points by iamelgringo on Jan 22, 2011 | 16 comments
13. The Alternative History of Public-Key Cryptography (1999) (cryptome.org)
81 points by gnosis on Jan 22, 2011 | 17 comments
14. Scraping made easy with jQuery and SelectorGadget (and Node.js!) (dtrejo.com)
74 points by DTrejo on Jan 22, 2011 | 16 comments
15. CEO Transitions (avc.com)
71 points by _DanielH on Jan 22, 2011 | 5 comments
16. IANA IPv4 Addresses "Officially" Exhausted (ipv4depletion.com)
70 points by tptacek on Jan 22, 2011 | 39 comments
17. Does Google do "research"? (matt-welsh.blogspot.com)
70 points by hiteshiitk on Jan 22, 2011 | 19 comments
18. Regex Visualization: give it a regex and see the state diagram (strfriend.com)
67 points by jjguy on Jan 22, 2011 | 14 comments
19. Ex-Spy Runs His Own Private C.I.A. (nytimes.com)
68 points by georgecmu on Jan 22, 2011 | 34 comments
20. JQuery File Upload – Multiple File Upload Plugin for jQuery (blogfreakz.com)
64 points by mufti on Jan 22, 2011 | 4 comments
21. Reptyr: move an already-running process into screen (better than screenify) (nelhage.com)
55 points by kevinr on Jan 22, 2011 | 8 comments
22. My semi-regular reminder that Python 3 is on schedule (sayspy.blogspot.com)
56 points by jnoller on Jan 22, 2011 | 5 comments
23. Why Some Elite Colleges Give Away Courses Online (chronicle.com)
47 points by ilamont on Jan 22, 2011 | 32 comments
24. Crunchies Winners: Twitter Takes Best Startup Of 2010 (techcrunch.com)
47 points by EJE on Jan 22, 2011 | 33 comments
25. Dictnotes.txt - how Python's dictionary data structures are optimized (python.org)
46 points by simonw on Jan 22, 2011 | 5 comments
26. Steve Jobs Talks About His Rise and Fall (1985) (newsweek.com)
46 points by jaybol on Jan 22, 2011 | 18 comments
27. Ruby and Python: pivot points (allthingsprogress.com)
43 points by djacobs on Jan 22, 2011 | 31 comments
28. Wolfram Alpha API now free and open (programmableweb.com)
43 points by preek on Jan 22, 2011 | 9 comments
29. "There's a Slide For That" - Generic Slides to Avoid in your Pitch (navfund.com)
41 points by bballbackus on Jan 22, 2011 | 9 comments
30. Update on Internet Censorship in Iran - Tor Blog (torproject.org)
39 points by cosgroveb on Jan 22, 2011 | 6 comments

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