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"The TGIF Show" from 1999 at Google (video) (xooglers.blogspot.com)
19 points by olivercameron on Oct 27, 2012 | past
Xooglers: "The TGIF Show" from 1999 (xooglers.blogspot.com)
2 points by olalonde on Oct 27, 2012 | past
Xooglers (xooglers.blogspot.com)
15 points by chuhnk on April 21, 2011 | past | 2 comments
I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59 (xooglers.blogspot.com)
1 point by EastSmith on Feb 4, 2011 | past
Google Adwords Runs on MySQL (Ex-Googler) (xooglers.blogspot.com)
6 points by jeremynolan on March 17, 2009 | past | 1 comment
If a logo changes every day, is it still a logo? (xooglers.blogspot.com)
3 points by bootload on March 23, 2008 | past | 1 comment
A gathering spot for ex-Googlers to reminisce and comment on the latest developments in search. (xooglers.blogspot.com)
2 points by vlad on June 7, 2007 | past | 1 comment

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