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The Case for Django and an argument against microframeworks (travisswicegood.com)
2 points by tswicegood on March 4, 2014 | past
Deploying TileStream to Heroku (travisswicegood.com)
2 points by tswicegood on March 1, 2012 | past
Importance of Context: Why Django is better than Rails is pointless (travisswicegood.com)
2 points by tswicegood on Jan 15, 2012 | past
Using Basketweaver with GitHub (aka, How to ditch pypi.python.org) (travisswicegood.com)
1 point by tswicegood on Dec 21, 2011 | past
Testing Python Code with Travis CI (travisswicegood.com)
1 point by tswicegood on Nov 11, 2011 | past
Thoughts on setting up Armstrong on Vagrant (travisswicegood.com)
4 points by tswicegood on June 7, 2011 | past
Lessons learned from PragProgWriMo (travisswicegood.com)
1 point by tswicegood on Dec 16, 2010 | past
Telecommuting Culture - What it tells me about your company (travisswicegood.com)
74 points by tswicegood on Aug 9, 2010 | past | 62 comments
Enough Complaining (travisswicegood.com)
3 points by tswicegood on Aug 5, 2010 | past
Show me the Code (travisswicegood.com)
3 points by tswicegood on Aug 4, 2010 | past
Using Twitter OAuth Properly (travisswicegood.com)
3 points by tswicegood on July 7, 2010 | past | 1 comment
MongoDB: A first look (travisswicegood.com)
27 points by tswicegood on May 31, 2010 | past | 7 comments
Packaging reuseabe & testable Django apps with virtualenv, pip, and Fabric (travisswicegood.com)
35 points by tswicegood on Jan 18, 2010 | past
The problem with Python namespaces (travisswicegood.com)
16 points by tswicegood on Dec 22, 2009 | past | 5 comments
Books you shouldn't read when starting out as a programmer (travisswicegood.com)
40 points by tswicegood on Dec 1, 2009 | past | 16 comments
John Deere and iPhones (travisswicegood.com)
19 points by tswicegood on Oct 19, 2009 | past | 5 comments
Magic is to Python as Java is to PHP (travisswicegood.com)
9 points by webology on May 15, 2009 | past | 15 comments

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