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Why Aren’t More Programs Written in Powerful Languages? (2013) (pchristensen.com)
2 points by ville on March 11, 2017 | past
Software Talks for the Ages (pchristensen.com)
2 points by asmala on May 9, 2014 | past
Guide describing how Javascript developers can get into hardware (pchristensen.com)
1 point by jmcalvay on July 10, 2013 | past
How To Teach Yourself Programming (pchristensen.com)
1 point by pchristensen on May 3, 2013 | past
Understanding the Clojure Development Ecosystem (pchristensen.com)
4 points by octopus on Jan 11, 2013 | past
Companies which use Lisp (pchristensen.com)
2 points by QuarkSpark on Feb 5, 2012 | past
What Your Resume Really Says About You (pchristensen.com)
3 points by pchristensen on Jan 31, 2011 | past
Advice to a college sophomore programmer (pchristensen.com)
61 points by pchristensen on Jan 17, 2011 | past | 25 comments
Observations After A Month At Groupon (pchristensen.com)
2 points by pchristensen on Dec 20, 2010 | past
Pumping Startup Iron: Be an Arnold, Not a Lou (pchristensen.com)
1 point by b-man on July 20, 2010 | past
Critical Fans (or how Mixergy did the Impossible) (pchristensen.com)
52 points by wglb on Feb 4, 2010 | past | 9 comments
A Closed Apple Platform is Inevitable But Temporary (pchristensen.com)
1 point by wglb on Jan 28, 2010 | past
Followup Questions to Strategic SEO for Startups (pchristensen.com)
3 points by wglb on Jan 26, 2010 | past | 2 comments
Why Startups Shouldn’t Have To Pay To Pitch Angel Investors (pchristensen.com)
2 points by pchristensen on Oct 9, 2009 | past | 1 comment
What Would A Chicago-style Y Combinator Look Like? (pchristensen.com)
13 points by pchristensen on Sept 28, 2009 | past | 16 comments
Freemium Isn’t A Business Model, It’s A Marketing And Trust Strategy (pchristensen.com)
14 points by pchristensen on Oct 17, 2008 | past | 2 comments
Chrome, the Google Docs-mobile (pchristensen.com)
26 points by pchristensen on Oct 6, 2008 | past | 7 comments
Programming Celebrities - who do pg, Joel, raganwald, Norvig, etc remind you of? (pchristensen.com)
1 point by pchristensen on Oct 1, 2008 | past
Hey language snobs: don't pinch pennies (pchristensen.com)
43 points by mixmax on July 26, 2008 | past | 29 comments
Hey Language Snobs: Don’t Pinch Pennies (pchristensen.com)
18 points by imgabe on June 4, 2008 | past | 2 comments
Recap of Chicago's Intro to Lisp Workshop (pchristensen.com)
10 points by pchristensen on June 3, 2008 | past | 1 comment
Beautiful Guts - Dissecting a First Generation iPod Nano (pchristensen.com)
1 point by pchristensen on May 23, 2008 | past
Music Operates Directly On Your Abstract Syntax Tree (pchristensen.com)
1 point by pchristensen on May 12, 2008 | past
The Value is in the Experience (pchristensen.com)
2 points by pchristensen on May 8, 2008 | past
What Kind of Software Would People Actually Pay For? (pchristensen.com)
12 points by raganwald on May 6, 2008 | past | 4 comments
Intro to Lisp Workshop: Chicago, 5/31 (pchristensen.com)
5 points by pchristensen on May 1, 2008 | past
StreamFocus - An Organizational Power Tool Waiting To Be Unleashed (pchristensen.com)
12 points by pchristensen on April 17, 2008 | past | 11 comments
Can Y Combinator Be Beaten At Its Own Game? (pchristensen.com)
21 points by imgabe on April 9, 2008 | past | 17 comments
Tasteful Monetization and the Passionate Developer Community (SnapTalent) (pchristensen.com)
2 points by pchristensen on March 31, 2008 | past
Hacker vs Engineer - Know The Difference! (pchristensen.com)
24 points by imgabe on March 6, 2008 | past | 29 comments

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