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F* – A Proof-Oriented Programming Language (fstar-lang.org)
236 points by montyanderson 4 months ago | past | 102 comments
FastVer2: A Provably Correct Monitor for Concurrent, Key-Value Stores (2022) [pdf] (fstar-lang.org)
2 points by deterministic on Feb 7, 2023 | past
Formally Proven Binary Format Parsers [pdf] (fstar-lang.org)
2 points by azhenley on June 15, 2022 | past
The F* Programming Language (fstar-lang.org)
36 points by deterministic on May 26, 2022 | past | 6 comments
New F* Tutorial (fstar-lang.org)
1 point by dvz on May 27, 2021 | past
F*: A Higher-Order Effectful Language Designed for Program Verification (fstar-lang.org)
2 points by GordonS on Jan 11, 2021 | past
Verified Programming in F*: A Tutorial (fstar-lang.org)
159 points by jstrieb on Jan 4, 2021 | past | 76 comments
Verified Programming in F*: A Tutorial (fstar-lang.org)
2 points by jstrieb on Sept 25, 2020 | past
F* – an FP language with effects, aimed at verification (fstar-lang.org)
1 point by sriku on Aug 28, 2019 | past
F* – An ML-like functional programming language aimed at program verification (fstar-lang.org)
264 points by philonoist on Oct 30, 2017 | past | 95 comments
F*: an ML-like functional programming language aimed at program verification (fstar-lang.org)
2 points by fanf2 on Sept 1, 2017 | past
F*: A Higher-Order Effectful Language Designed for Program Verification (fstar-lang.org)
5 points by mabynogy on March 14, 2017 | past
F*: A Higher-Order Effectful Language Designed for Program Verification (fstar-lang.org)
1 point by _qc3o on Aug 2, 2016 | past
Verified Programming in F*: A Tutorial (fstar-lang.org)
95 points by namin on Jan 21, 2016 | past | 28 comments

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