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No2DigitalID – Big Brother Watch (bigbrotherwatch.org.uk)
3 points by DyslexicAtheist 8 months ago | past
Ministry of Truth Exposed (bigbrotherwatch.org.uk)
5 points by jruohonen on May 28, 2023 | past | 1 comment
Ministry of Truth: The secretive government units spying on your speech [pdf] (bigbrotherwatch.org.uk)
2 points by chillbill on Feb 2, 2023 | past
Whitehall’s “Ministry of Truth” (bigbrotherwatch.org.uk)
1 point by slygent on Jan 29, 2023 | past
Chinese-state owned CCTV prevalent in UK; FoI based report reveals (bigbrotherwatch.org.uk)
2 points by ColinHayhurst on Feb 8, 2022 | past
YouTube censors David Davis MP’s speech against vaccine passports (bigbrotherwatch.org.uk)
49 points by zpeti on Oct 14, 2021 | past | 25 comments
Big Brother Watch campaign to stop Covid passes projected onto Parliament (bigbrotherwatch.org.uk)
4 points by walterbell on Sept 7, 2021 | past
The State of Surveillance in 2018 [pdf] (bigbrotherwatch.org.uk)
3 points by humanetech on Dec 6, 2018 | past
Police Use Experian Marketing Data for AI Custody Decisions (bigbrotherwatch.org.uk)
2 points by rinze on April 15, 2018 | past
UK Police requested comms data 700,000 times in 3 years [pdf] (bigbrotherwatch.org.uk)
3 points by joosters on June 1, 2015 | past
World's largest association of pilots boycotts body scanners (bigbrotherwatch.org.uk)
220 points by mcantelon on Nov 9, 2010 | past | 109 comments
Big brothers rolling eyes, profit or security? (bigbrotherwatch.org.uk)
1 point by MindTwister on July 9, 2010 | past
The EU want to keep a record of every Internet search - Big Brother Watch (bigbrotherwatch.org.uk)
2 points by tca on June 4, 2010 | past | 3 comments

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