1. | | What's the fastest EC2 instance CPU? (runs-on.com) | |
22 points by crohr 9 months ago | 8 comments
2. | | Debugging Ruby the Hard Way (aha.io) | |
17 points by FigurativeVoid on Dec 14, 2023 | 1 comment
3. | | Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows (hanselman.com) | |
441 points by fomine3 on Dec 25, 2020 | 229 comments
4. | | The technical interview is an ego trip (kowsheek.com) | |
171 points by kowsheek on Sept 11, 2020 | 193 comments
5. | | Why do so many people want us back in the office? (paulitaylor.com) | |
458 points by ingve on Sept 12, 2020 | 601 comments
6. | | To manage wildfire, California looks to what tribes have known all along (npr.org) | |
90 points by jweir on Sept 11, 2020 | 102 comments
7. | | 'Ugh fields', or why you can’t even bear to think about that task (medium.com/robertwiblin) | |
543 points by robertwiblin on Sept 11, 2020 | 135 comments
8. | | The most prized degree in India became the most worthless (restofworld.org) | |
395 points by danso on May 12, 2020 | 377 comments
9. | | P vs. NP (scottaaronson.com) | |
390 points by ikeboy on Jan 4, 2017 | 71 comments
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