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1. Master Hexagonal Architecture in Rust (howtocodeit.com)
77 points by milliams 9 days ago | 109 comments
2. Writing an OS in Rust (github.com/phil-opp)
420 points by udev4096 6 days ago | 40 comments
3. The Raft Consensus Algorithm (2015) (raft.github.io)
343 points by oumua_don17 on Sept 3, 2023 | 76 comments
4. Avante.nvim: Use Your Neovim Like Using Cursor AI IDE (github.com/yetone)
300 points by simonpure 26 days ago | 87 comments
5. Why CockroachDB doesn't use EvalPlanQual (cockroachlabs.com)
135 points by michae2 5 months ago | 58 comments
6. Iggy.rs – building message streaming in Rust (iggy.rs)
320 points by lukastyrychtr 8 months ago | 61 comments
7. Go, Containers, and the Linux Scheduler (riverphillips.dev)
377 points by rbanffy 10 months ago | 138 comments
8. Building a high performance JSON parser (cheney.net)
532 points by davecheney 10 months ago | 189 comments
9. Tracing: Structured logging, but better (andydote.co.uk)
263 points by pondidum on Sept 18, 2023 | 129 comments

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