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1. [flagged] The Guardian Deletes Osama Bin Laden's 'Letter to America' (404media.co)
133 points by danso 10 months ago | 152 comments
2. Assembly is shutting down December 6, 2015 (assembly.com)
77 points by acadet on Nov 12, 2015 | 43 comments
3. Catfish Programmers (butternotes.com)
339 points by dizzystar on June 15, 2017 | 171 comments
4. The end of smartphone innovation (ben-evans.com)
209 points by allenleein on March 25, 2017 | 277 comments
5. Why Google Pixel lags 10x more than Moto Z (glek.net)
484 points by tapper on Dec 12, 2016 | 197 comments
6. DeepMind and Blizzard to release StarCraft II as an AI research environment (deepmind.com)
917 points by madspindel on Nov 4, 2016 | 329 comments

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