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1. Gainax, known for 'Evangelion' anime production, goes bankrupt (japantimes.co.jp)
242 points by lnyan 3 months ago | 154 comments
2. Generative AI Handbook: A Roadmap for Learning Resources (genai-handbook.github.io)
100 points by sebg 3 months ago | 11 comments
3. I learned Vulkan and wrote a small game engine with it (edw.is)
625 points by eliasdaler 3 months ago | 260 comments
4. An animated introduction to Fourier series (andreinc.net)
601 points by gaws 4 months ago | 88 comments
5. Quake in 13kb (2021) (js13kgames.com)
261 points by pfych 4 months ago | 76 comments
6. Geometry for Entertainment (1950) (archive.org)
178 points by the-mitr 4 months ago | 46 comments
7. Fractal Geometry (yale.edu)
183 points by andsoitis 4 months ago | 30 comments
8. Hacker's Delight (wikipedia.org)
13 points by gballan 4 months ago | 1 comment
9. Show HN: Route your prompts to the best LLM (unify.ai)
298 points by danlenton 4 months ago | 126 comments
10. Llama3 implemented from scratch (github.com/naklecha)
1041 points by Hadi7546 4 months ago | 269 comments
11. D3 in Depth (d3indepth.com)
380 points by lobo_tuerto 4 months ago | 81 comments
12. Exercises to Learn Rust (rust-exercises.com)
752 points by sebg 4 months ago | 123 comments
13. Show HN: I built a math website the internet loved, I'm back with more features (teachyourselfmath.app)
289 points by viveknathani_ 4 months ago | 53 comments
14. IBM Granite: A Family of Open Foundation Models for Code Intelligence (github.com/ibm-granite)
252 points by lukhas 4 months ago | 74 comments
15. Show HN: Hacker Search – A semantic search engine for Hacker News (hackersearch.net)
233 points by jnnnthnn 5 months ago | 73 comments
16. Online Cryptography Course (2017) (stanford.edu)
377 points by Tomte 5 months ago | 57 comments
17. Fallout1-ce: Fallout for modern operating systems (github.com/alexbatalov)
138 points by ulrischa 5 months ago | 39 comments
18. Runtipi: Docker-based home server management (runtipi.io)
201 points by ensocode 6 months ago | 101 comments
19. Ask HN: What is the current (Apr. 2024) gold standard of running an LLM locally?
195 points by js98 6 months ago | 89 comments
20. Upscayl – Free and Open Source AI Image Upscaler (github.com/upscayl)
318 points by faebi 6 months ago | 71 comments
21. Ask HN: Freelance website builders/maintainers, what's in your 2024 toolkit?
118 points by petecooper 6 months ago | 80 comments
22. DBRX: A new open LLM (databricks.com)
866 points by jasondavies 6 months ago | 343 comments
23. Linux Crisis Tools (brendangregg.com)
596 points by samber 6 months ago | 124 comments
24. Lcl.host: fast, easy HTTPS in your local dev environment (anchor.dev)
247 points by todsacerdoti 6 months ago | 98 comments
25. Berlin's techno scene added to Unesco intangible cultural heritage list (theguardian.com)
398 points by kasperni 6 months ago | 287 comments
26. TextSnatcher: Copy text from images, for the Linux Desktop (github.com/rajsolai)
418 points by nateb2022 6 months ago | 102 comments
27. Show HN: AboutIdeasNow – search /about, /ideas, /now pages of 7k+ personal sites (aboutideasnow.com)
586 points by louisbarclay 7 months ago | 119 comments
28. Open Source Games (project-awesome.org)
50 points by RafelMri 7 months ago | 13 comments
29. Bitmagnet Allows People to Run Their Own Decentralized Torrent Indexer Locally (torrentfreak.com)
180 points by mgdigital 7 months ago | 97 comments
30. Pandoc (pandoc.org)
824 points by swatson741 8 months ago | 292 comments

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