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1. Ask HN: What are your favorite sci-fi books?
84 points by hubraumhugo on May 21, 2023 | 163 comments
2. Ask HN: Best books read in 2022?
328 points by mariusseufzer on Dec 4, 2022 | 249 comments
3. 58 bytes of CSS to look great nearly everywhere (gist.github.com)
723 points by thunderbong on Sept 25, 2022 | 242 comments
4. Ask HN: Name 3-5 books that had the most impact on your career and knowledge?
254 points by dondraper36 on Sept 19, 2022 | 86 comments
5. Tipi – A personal homeserver for everyone (github.com/meienberger)
449 points by thunderbong on Sept 9, 2022 | 141 comments
6. Ask HN: What podcasts are you listening to?
121 points by appwiz on Aug 13, 2022 | 170 comments

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