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1. Interested in improving your relationships? Try Nonviolent Communication (clearerthinking.org)
842 points by antigizmo on Oct 15, 2019 | 337 comments
2. Naur’s “Programming as Theory Building” (2011) (catenary.wordpress.com)
52 points by DanielRibeiro on March 29, 2014 | 14 comments
3. Micro-promotions and mentorship: impact of small actions in engineering culture (circleci.com)
339 points by Bary0n1cMatt3r on April 19, 2019 | 160 comments
4. Game Loop (gameprogrammingpatterns.com)
393 points by tosh on Jan 26, 2019 | 56 comments
5. Microsoft Word for Windows 1.0 Postmortem (1989) [pdf] (slated.org)
235 points by pauldix on Dec 26, 2018 | 84 comments
6. A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics (jeremykun.com)
937 points by chocolateboy on Dec 1, 2018 | 214 comments
7. Zig: software should be perfect [video] (youtube.com)
218 points by luu on Nov 10, 2018 | 135 comments
8. Lack of progress exposed by the Canary MacGuffin (rachelbythebay.com)
223 points by ingve on Oct 23, 2018 | 125 comments
9. My adventures getting Disney’s Moana island scene to render well with Pbrt (pharr.org)
463 points by dsr12 on July 17, 2018 | 45 comments
10. The Importance of Deep Work and the 30-Hour Method for Learning a New Skill (azeria-labs.com)
1331 points by ingve on May 26, 2018 | 197 comments
11. Ask HN: How to become a remote contractor?
311 points by zerego on May 11, 2018 | 160 comments
12. Taskwarrior, where have you been all my life? (djy.io)
424 points by daveyarwood on May 9, 2018 | 228 comments
13. Competitive Programmer's Handbook (2017) [pdf] (cses.fi)
594 points by linouk23 on April 29, 2018 | 121 comments
14. A Gentle Introduction to Rust (stevedonovan.github.io)
194 points by blacksmythe on April 11, 2018 | 57 comments
15. Ask HN: Resources for catching up on modern JavaScript for Python/C++ Programmer
214 points by alibarber on April 10, 2018 | 71 comments
16. The need for tooling and the need for mastering your tools (muratbuffalo.blogspot.com)
222 points by r4um on March 28, 2018 | 68 comments
17. Learn FFmpeg the hard way (github.com/leandromoreira)
586 points by dreampeppers99 on Jan 20, 2018 | 79 comments
18. Bit Twiddling Hacks (2005) (stanford.edu)
66 points by kercker on Nov 19, 2017 | 3 comments
19. Ask HN: What ways have worked for you to overcome 'imposter syndrome'?
323 points by good_vibes on July 2, 2017 | 147 comments
20. It’s Complicated: Unraveling the mystery of why people act as they do (theamericanscholar.org)
233 points by Hooke on June 19, 2017 | 177 comments
21. C++ value category cheat-sheet [pdf] (github.com/jeaye)
138 points by Jeaye on March 18, 2017 | 39 comments

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