Hacker News new | past | comments | ask | show | jobs | submit | Doctor_Fegg's favorites login
1. Show HN: I made an offline-ready hiking trail companion app (github.com/jamealg)
475 points by jameal on Nov 1, 2022 | 141 comments
2. An admittedly wandering defense of the SSO tax (ssoready.com)
88 points by ned_at_codomain 30 days ago | 95 comments
3. Transformers in music recommendation (research.google)
211 points by panarky 31 days ago | 125 comments
4. Taking command of the Context Menu in macOS (gingerbeardman.com)
115 points by msephton 51 days ago | 68 comments
5. Ask HN: Best way to learn robotics with a 10 year old?
224 points by hersko 56 days ago | 100 comments
6. How to Know When It's Time to Go (thecodist.com)
354 points by kiyanwang 67 days ago | 217 comments
7. Pwning a Brother labelmaker, for fun and interop (sdomi.pl)
188 points by LorenDB 79 days ago | 47 comments
8. Show HN: Simple script to cripple personalized targeting from Facebook (gist.github.com)
205 points by GeoHubToday 89 days ago | 119 comments
9. Show HN: Automate 80% of repeat writing and thinking tasks with Spiral (spiral.computer)
3 points by dshipper 3 months ago
10. What are third places? How do I find one? (vox.com)
56 points by ColinWright 4 months ago | 89 comments
11. Caniemail.com – like caniuse but for email content (caniemail.com)
755 points by fagnerbrack 4 months ago | 250 comments
12. Beyond A*: Better Planning with Transformers (arxiv.org)
313 points by jonbaer 6 months ago | 120 comments
13. Searchformer: Beyond A* – Better planning with transformers via search dynamics (github.com/facebookresearch)
181 points by yeldarb 4 months ago | 28 comments
14. Quill v2 – Rich text editor (quilljs.com)
453 points by ulrischa 5 months ago | 96 comments
15. Embeddings are a good starting point for the AI curious app developer (bawolf.substack.com)
675 points by bryantwolf 5 months ago | 174 comments
16. Embed Crystal code directly in Ruby (github.com/wouterken)
211 points by FrancoisBosun 5 months ago | 60 comments
17. Roll-Invert-Unroll: An easier way to replace a duvet cover (danverbraganza.com)
467 points by nvader 5 months ago | 256 comments
18. Britain's decade of Art Deco densification (worksinprogress.news)
104 points by bswud 6 months ago | 37 comments
19. Nerdy internals of an Apple text editor (papereditor.app)
459 points by papereditor 6 months ago | 74 comments
20. Show HN: htmz – a low power tool for HTML (leanrada.com)
1020 points by Kalabasa 7 months ago | 242 comments
21. Running Open-Source AI Models Locally with Ruby (reinteractive.com)
155 points by thunderbong 7 months ago | 20 comments
22. Ask HN: 9-yo son wants to build a game, I'm lost. What can I do?
387 points by welfare 8 months ago | 378 comments
23. The Tyranny of the Marginal User (nothinghuman.substack.com)
1576 points by ivee on Sept 14, 2023 | 815 comments
24. Studies suggest that relying on will power to break habits is hopeless (2019) (newyorker.com)
176 points by PaulHoule 8 months ago | 226 comments
25. Procrastination is connected to perfectionism (solvingprocrastination.com)
695 points by EndXA 8 months ago | 221 comments
26. Leave work slightly unfinished for easier flow the next day (engineerscodex.com)
244 points by engineercodex 9 months ago | 104 comments
27. Walk and Talk (sive.rs)
102 points by simonebrunozzi 9 months ago | 36 comments
28. Launched Playtoob, a simple YouTube companion, because my 5yo daughter loves it (playtoob.com)
126 points by devrimco 10 months ago | 78 comments
29. Ask HN: What is your favorite FOSS WYSIWYG editor?
53 points by firemelt 11 months ago | 51 comments
30. Why you shouldn't join Y Combinator (smallbets.co)
632 points by georgehill 11 months ago | 320 comments

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