Hi! Thanks for the question. We put these logs there because we had users in these companies with our previous version of extension! We'll make it more clear when we update the landing page again :)
Hi! We asked for a linkedin to get a better idea on who are interested in tools like this. Internal chrome extension seems to not have too many discussion around it so we have a lot of questions as well!
We also get too many waitlist entries that say
test eerer test52422@yopmail.com https://https:linkedin.com/1123123123 testing
so we use LinkedIn as a way to filter out the serious folks from the spammers
Hi HN! Thank you for taking the time to check out extension.dev! My two co-founders and I built extension.dev to help developers better create internal chrome extensions for their teams. It's been really exciting seeing what kind of extensions people are already creating and hoping to create.
We are very early and a small team so please bear with us as we roll out developer preview invites!
Hi maddyboo, we don't support Firefox just yet, but we'll definitely support Firefox at some point! Would you mind telling us what you want to use the tool for so we can plan/prioritize features to build once we get there?
Most of the data outside software startups is in Excel spreadsheets :)
And yes - believe it or not I rolled out a Beta version of an AutoML app for spreadsheets app today!
Email me (email in profile) - not open source but completely free Beta. Just trying to figure out if it's something people would be interested in. (Edit: email rather than DM)