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Agree, many practical insights in the system programming domain -- the domain is important for any discussion. For example, the unchecked exception pattern is a good choice for business applications.

Yes. C# is the best OO programming language with good support for functional and procedural programming paradigms. For business applications, it is the best programming language that can be used in both frontend/GUI (MAUI) and backend.

So sad to read a story like this. Salute to heroes.

Idk, to be honest it feels kind of stupid. They made a point but idk if it was a point worth doing for.

The propaganda value is immense for the defense force.

It’s demoralizing if anything.

it was stupid to keep them there completely defenseless against the ships.

either give them equipment needed to fight or pull them back where the soldiers can actually make a difference.

entirely pointless loss of soldiers.

It's eye-opening to know the Turing completeness of TypeScript' type programming. It is fun and insightful to know this fact. The examples are simple and to the point.

This really shows that there is a lot of potential for a native tsc alternative (like the one that was on the front page recently) to shine in terms of performance

I think it shows a lot of potential to turn TypeScript to what C++ has become.

Unlikely, types intentionally cannot affect the emitted JavaScript. You can always get raw JavaScript from TypeScript code by blindly erasing the type annotations (and transforming a few special syntaxes).

I just remembered this blog post, maybe that's the one that was on the front page recently ?


Ok yup, definitely that one, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30074414

I believe the key issue of debate is that people ignored the context: "Many people, including myself, believe that the individual should be able to own their own identity."

The cryptocurrency and decentralization are possible because some people believe and live on those ideas. For those who don't care, bitcoin is $0 or worse: a Ponzi scheme. For those who believe in it, the goal is to own one's id, data and money, and collaborate without a big company or a central government.

Is it possible to use VS Code as editor? It will be a wonderful experience.

I have used HP printers for many years. The software is consistently the worst you can image: it has huge size for so many years and is complex to use.

Last week I struggled awhile to not create an account to scan a document. Eventually I gave up and create an account.

It is fun to compare the histories of Clojure, Scala and F#. A pragmatic programmer created Clojure. A university professor created Scala. A research team from Microsoft created F#. Each language is characterized by its creator(s).

I find Scala a bit of an anomaly though, yes it was created by a university professor, but it was clearly designed for mass adoption - even down to the curly braces (although they are backtracking that decision now). I have lot of sympathy for this approach, but I think it has also been the underlying cause of many of their problems.

A university professor that created the Modula-2 compiler sold by Borland, and was one of the Pizza compiler designers, which contributed to Java generics.

Not your regular university professor, rather someone with industry experience, specially in the Java world.

You forgot to also mention that he was the original author of the Java 5 compiler which Sun took over. He is definitely not a guy in an ivory tower, almost the exact opposite in fact. But ivory towers are not necessarily bad. It was precisely an ivory table that gave us Lisp and Haskell. Lisp's Garbage Collector was a big influence on the original Java. And Java's chief architect has specifically mentioned Haskell as his influence in the future of Java.

That is part of "was one of the Pizza compiler designers".

It's almost like academics are normal people who participate in the world, and not monks in an ivory tower like we so often read here!

Truth be told there are plenty of those folks as well.

In European universities you aren't necessarily required to do outside work, so there are plenty that do the path, student, Msc student, PhD student, Professor, department chair, retirement.

In fact, I had a couple of occasions where good professors told me to just taste the professional world between getting the degree, and trying to pursue further academic life.

My second attempt at it, while at CERN, kind of did it for me.

So I do understand where the stereotype comes from.

Probably a typo in the 2nd point below "why average support for gun control increases as a function of prayer:", the "low-prayer groups are mostly female" should be "The high-prayer groups are most female".

- The high-prayer groups are mostly female, so the overall average is closer to the female response, which is higher.

anybody has experience with VS Code inside Container? the feature https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers looks nice.

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