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You actually believe he makes razor thin profit? And you believes he reinvests everything? Sorry but none of us have verified his company’s books. Just saying

I like Practical Engineering. I also watch a lot of quality family vblog. You can tell genuine content vs influencer contents I am sure

Mark Rober has turned into very content-driven since a few years ago. He used to spend more time on explaining how the science works. His “toys” are also copycat from existing competitors

The abuse and toxic workplace had been exposed a few years back but nobody took those allegations seriously

Lol he didn’t build 1000 houses. 100 only. But also, I think many of the houses were rushed to build… so…

Dart, angular don't matter in business. They are just "passionate" projects. Google's culture of having multiple teams trying to build and scrape and never commit to a product is a big problem. They aren't slow to adopt to trends but they always seem to "overthink" about products. So when they lose the edge they close the door on the product. In the case of Google Meet, Good Lord, they renamed at least six times before they finally settled.

Subaru Forester

Netflix was great until everyone else caught up in the streaming war. Everyone else holds the licensing authority and they don’t give Netfli what they want. Plus, Netfix keeps killing their popular original content for reasons that fans don’t understand.

Music on the other hand is so strange and different. I knew the big 4 tried again and again in 2000s to offer form of music store but failed. Since none of the existing large music streaming services (YT. apple, Spotify) license, labels are happy to hand them licensing agreements.

> Netflix was great until everyone else caught up in the streaming war.

Everyone else jumped on the video service bandwagon because they wanted to kill off netflix and bring us back to the days of cable TV. It's slowly working, and netflix being terrible at producing quality content for their library, littering the service with more and more ads, and refusing to give users features they've been asking for, all while jacking up prices is only helping.

Maybe it is just me, since I lived through the Firefox OS era as a past intern: this feels like a possible re-entrance of offering a Mozilla-built OS in the future. They said Internet was born to connect people - but building everything into a browser is not the most optimal way of adding all these fancy stuff. Firefox OS was basically a small linux kernel plus Gecko plus HTML5 for rendering. So much like iOS and iPadOS Mozilla could offer similar OS for devices/platform. I mean, for the past 5 years they have been invested in AR and VR. So I won’t be surprised if they eventually bet on another Firefox OS…

The one thing I always enjoy looking at Google internal tools is that many of their tool designs remain pretty basic. They look like the old Gmail settings page/old style html page, if you remember.

Very much just tables, div no fancy icons, no fancy fonts. Not a lot of images to render. I like that.

Facebook’s on the other hand, I wouldn’t say fancier, they have a consistent internal design UI components, I can tell you they look less “mature” than Google’s. I really don’t have a word for that but just think like “bootstrap” feel.

Fwiw, TW was acquired by Spectrum several years ago. The acquisition did not help customers. I am in a lucky boat. Verizon took many years to break ground in many neighborhoods in NYC and neaby counties, after fought monopolies (which they are themselves ironically). But generally only Verizon is the reliable one here

Huh. I didn't realize Spectrum bought TW. I thought TW had exited the market and Spectrum was awarded a new monopoly contract.


They bought out TW and then proceeded to make the service even worse.

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