Uh oh!
Something has gone wrong. We're sorry!
If we are in the middle of an update, Launchpad will be back in a couple of minutes. Otherwise, we are working to fix the unexpected problems. Check @launchpadstatus on Twitter for updates.
If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on libera.chat.
Technically, the load balancer took too long to connect to an application server.
As a Canadian, I'm currently visiting my family in Changsha, a city about 4 hours of a drive south of Wuhan. In the city, everyone is on edge. All public places such as restaurants, gyms and night clubs are closed. And everyone on the street wears a surgical or N95 mask. Not only Wuhan, but the entire country is also on lockdown.
It sucks but the people and the government have aligned themselves together to do whatever it takes to contain and control the coronavirus. Let's be strong and have faith.