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I've been using Foundation and really like it. This is just one more reason to stick with it.

Have you tried targeted ads on reddit? Maybe for something like /r/snackexchange? I just spent $30 on a test ad, if you're interested I can share the traffic stats with you.

Hi, yes actually I tried exactly that. It cost me $60 / customer, which is over my lifetime value so I discontinued advertising there.

Here's my stats from the attempt: http://www.bemmu.com/stats-from-advertising-candy-japan-on-r...

Things might be different now, the page was less optimized back then. I might try again later, but I'm really hoping Reddit would just lower their minimum daily spend. Right now they have no advertiser there at all, I'd love to advertise if it was just a tad cheaper.

Nope, you're experience mirrors those of mine. It's hard to convert redditors; in part due to neglecting the self-serve platform. With that said, $60 to bring in a brand new customer isn't that bad.

Maybe it would be cheaper to hook up with a subreddit mod and run a give-a-way. $50 worth of candy for a front page post sounds like a better value :D

Wow, didn't even notice the sidebar before. Just contacted the admin to see if there's a way to get in there.

Something like the Dunning–Kruger effect applied to ethics?

Is there a way this can take place entirely server side?

sure, it would be simple enough to copy what was done with the server side image maps thing, and define some query parameters that get requested along with the image. So each different size gets its own url and proxies and caches are happy. servers that don't support it just serve a normal image. a tiny bit of javascript can polyfill it in now. today.

That is a very appealing design, but sadly it doesn't address all the use cases. In particular one thing that people want to be able to do is to display a different image depending on the viewport dimensions, for example a closer crop on a small screen compared to that shown on a larger screen.

what is stopping this approach from addressing that use case?

No file format exists which supports this use case.

We switched slightly midstream and we are now talking about an "entirely server side solution", if you scan back a few posts up. It's fairly trivial to do image processing on a server and cache the results based on the URL

I wasn't aware that you could specify completely different images at different resolutions.

i wonder if you could do it with separate frames of a GIF? there's no reason they have to be played as an animation. (they don't even have to be the same size as each other or the logical screen, afaict.)

I don't see how the client could selectively download frames. GIF isn't really the nicest file format anyway.

can you fetch arbitrary byte ranges over http? i don't know the details of the GIF chunk format, but often there's a header or something that you could use to calculate what other part of the file you want.

(yes, this is almost certainly a terrible way to implement it, but i was curious as to whether it could be shoehorned in.)

You can, but this is server dependent and not possible with the GIF format. If you were to construct a format where this is possible, this would mean a minimum of two HTTP requests and quite possible three since the header would have to be of variable length.

Additionally, trying to get browsers to consistently implement something of this level of complexity sounds dangerous.

Jpeg does.

Instead of faxing have you guys thought about OCR via a webcam/mobile phone/scanner?

I might have read your comment wrong but are you

a) comparing child pornography to political criticism

b) saying that it "play[s] an important role within our society".

Can you elaborate?

Sorry that's not how I meant to state it.

It's not the child pornography that is important to society. It's the freedom of speech, and the security that speech has against regulation from the government. Tor is a place where a person can securely make any sort of criticism that they want, and that security is important.

An unfortunate (but unavoidable) side effect of that security is that child pornographers also receive the same security.

This is false.

Any data to contradict GP?

I graduated last May with a degree in CS. I had several friends who were Bio (Pre-Med). The math I was required to take started at a number higher than their highest math requirement. Likewise with statistics -- I saw some of their stat class work, and seemed like a joke to me. Incidentally, in my statistics course, we talked about how doctors don't (as shown by studies) grasp basic principles.

EDIT: I went to a fairly small, but locally very well respected school.

Bio-truths on HN. Why is this not suprising in the least?

I've been playing with a few ways to abuse the browser. You /might/ be able to hide the font in an image file[1] so that it's harder to see. I have a few more tricks but can't show them at this moment.

[1] http://jsfiddle.net/a2zK5/

This would be horrible for any one using screen readers. You could use something like longdesc but then you've ruined your obfusciation. Really not something one should apply in production.

The only saving grace for this might be in internal sites where you want to display information to the user but do not want that user copy/pasting sensitive information into emails/chat/ect.

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