Over the last 3 years,
Earning $XX per year in appreciation, $XX per year by renting the extra rooms, $XX per year from paying off the mortgage automatically, and $XX due to the lower monthly total payments compared to renting for a total of $80k/year in earnings is definitely worth mowing the lawn a dozen times a year. I haven’t even mentioned the tax deductions, or non-monetary benefits either.
Homeownership in America, assuming you paid for an inspection and didn’t buy a money-pit, typically means you will be at least middle-class for the rest of your life.
But sssssshhhh don’t tell everyone !! Otherwise there will be more buyers and more competition.
That seems less exploitive of labor. At least you can pick your hours, clients, sex acts, and pay. With the former job, you don’t have a choice anymore.
Learn from the past. Assassinating the dictator just creates a power vacuum that someone else fills. Look at Iraq. The US killed Osama Bin Laden. Then Al Qaeda. Now there’s ISUS and they control everything there. Figure out what will fill the power vacuum or you may do more harm than good.
Counter-examples: Hitler, Mussolini, Pinochet, Fujimori, Franco, Nigerian dictatorships, Taiwan, and probably a few more. Not all were "assassinated", but countries really can transition to something better.
"Learn from the past" doesn't mean "look at this one example where things went wrong and then never do anything even remotely like that ever again".
The loading time need to be improved & sped up to under 2 seconds. Ideally a quarter of a second. It’s doable — one thing to do is serve a cached page first.
At the time of writing, the 1st page load is 14 seconds and subsequent page loads are 7 seconds.