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no, you wouldn't.

you know where the water is coming from. you know it's water.

oh. they don't need the fancy machine to interface. it's remote. they reply. you don't know where it comes from, either. or who.

trust me. you don't want to know what it's like.

What are you even talking about? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-023-01304-9

It's fMRI, there's nothing remote about it.


Did you seriously just link the Wikipedia articles for... microwaves and the EM spectrum?

In one sentence, what is the concrete point you are making?

i did.

it reads as a story if you ignore everything before the first single "/" and read the title, which has a handy link to anyone wanting more info about it, because i am a nice guy, instead of asking such a question.

as far as summing it up, well, you can read what i have posted here to figured it out, if you really want to know more.

This is not meant as a personal attack, but reading your comments in this thread, it leaves me with the impression that you may be suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.

A condition which, if remaining untreated, could eventually make you a danger to yourself and loved ones.

Please don't do internet psychiatric diagnosis on HN. It doesn't help.


thanks for looking out. i wish this was the case.

I've read your links and I still don't get it. Please just summarize in a sentence or two what your core point is.

well no because according to what these 20+ year veteran medical professionals with published credentials stated in the very extensive neurological-focused research manuscript they, being highly accredited MD professors with literal PhD's in neurology, neurophysiology, heck one is even a neurosurgeon who studied neuroanesthesiology, wrote about, because, well, it's kind of their, how to say, area of focus and specialty, or, well, thing,

> All four patients were comatose at baseline (S1) with no evidence of voluntary behavior or any overt consciousness during the last 24 h of their lives; their Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores were of 3 (Pt1, Pt2, and Pt4) and 4 (Pt3). Due to poor neurological prognosis and upon approval of the patients’ family members, life support was ultimately withdrawn from all four comatose patients.

if the words stemming from a group of literal badass neurologist's badass study - https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2216268120 - isn't enough to do it alone, this article - https://hyperallergic.com/720694/science-confirms-that-life-... - should work to further refute your lackadaisical claim, maybe even pique a little interest along the way.

all i am saying is, we're part of something. something much much bigger. if not, oh well! :)

and the other 2 were in a different/deeper vegetative state that garnered zero response

and I’m only talking about the former 2 who were more like the people that escaped “comatose at baseline with no evidence of … overt consciousness” who consistently go on to say “I knew what was going on around me”, despite failing all brainwave tests

how you chose to skip that to rationalize your dissertation and conclusion is still beyond me, and not a single thing here supports your “something much much bigger” desire. a physical response happens that we just started to measure. how did you get anything else out of that?

you read something that wasn't even there, I read “these highly credentialed 20 year veterans couldnt get a sample size greater than 4 and they equally proved and disproved whatever anyone wanted to hear, how embarrassing”, I dont need that lengthy pedigree to still want more research into this matter funded and done. I want that.

> Well yeah because they were conscious and knew you were going to kill them

this statement comes across as more of a declaration of reason.

i am defending the medical research that's been published. i want the same thing that you do, for sure, but the way that your words came across didn't mould well with the perspective that i have. something i've had. something i gained due to following along with many similar in-depth, cited medical and scientific research publications as the post and what i've linked, but, also due to a unique life experience that has actually stemmed from the fact "it", being something seemingly directly relating to anything and everything that's not "officially" there, happening, but so few is known about, that although it is happening, no matter the fact that it's really there and really happening, there isn't yet, currently, a solid way for anyone, at least on the outside, to know that it is. now. before. and will still most definitely be a thing that happened. a thing that happens. a thing that in future time, will be happening still.

i didn't fully know what a GCS was before today. however, 3 is the lowest. 3 of them had 3. one had 4. out of 15. 8 or less is considered severe. that paints a big picture as to the state of these humans.

i chose to share my link with you because it's relevant.

i came across brash because you worded your statement so "matter of factually" that i felt obligated to play around with some of your verbiage in retort.

the technology involved with what am not going to talk about will. mark my words. in soon time. will have an effect on the world that nobody will be able to, even though they're really going to want to and really wish they could, but can't, miss. will it be tomorrow? doubtful. 3 years? hope so. 10? hope not. maybe. doesn't matter. 5-1-2023. i said it. remember.

either way, along the way, some good can come out of it and more research can be published. public. accessible. known about.

anyways. sorry for the rant. sorry for the shade. the cryptic mystic. the crazy. it's a spot. a tough spot! :)

at any rate, here's to hoping we both stay coma free.


there were 4.97bn mobile internet users in 2022 accounting for almost 60% of total web traffic.

yeah. most people don't know they're supposed to care about the amount of just how little to no privacy they really don't have anymore. general awareness to the function of a tap-on tap-off feature like this, something that's, with a staunch juxtaposition, not currently infringing nor bearing any matter to whatever social-media-esque consumption they're filling their eyes-on-screen time with as they go about living a naive inspired blissful existence, their attention no doubt occupied by and kept busy with literally any and every other thing.


jokes on them. i have a Linux address.

Never knew it standed for Media Access Control until you made me wikipedia it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAC_address

All People Seem to Need Data Processing

not 100% sure if this will help, but i use this to disable shadows and weird border-glow-edge related stuff on "my theme". yes, i know you didn't want CSS hacks, but... https://github.com/walderf/dotfiles/blob/main/.config/gtk-3....

here's what "my theme" looks like with this in place - https://i.imgur.com/SZ1iZjf.png

if you're curious, here's the rest of it - https://github.com/walderf/dotfiles/tree/main/.local/share/t...

it's not perfect, but, it's alright, really. maybe i will finish it and package it better some year. doubt it, though! :)

with a few exceptions... keyboard shortcuts!

examples: https://github.com/walderf/dotfiles/blob/e9d4e732cd25b248b4a...

or, an image visual: https://i.imgur.com/ANly2SU.png

basically super+<key(s)> all the things!

source: ^ his brother is a Nigerian prince!

this reply is really only quasi-related to your first sentence.

since you mentioned the "trending" repositories on github, i wanted to give the https://github.com/nschloe/github-trends project a shout out.

it's not the same thing at all but also kind of the same thing, although it's actually, at the same time, kinda also not. alright, i'll get real. the most important thing regarding the linked project is the fact that it's got graphs. with lines. in various colors. lines that generally rise upwards, towards the right-hand side of your screen(s). lines that, more often than not, have slopes which vary in intensity and length. lines that are part of, if i may take this chance to kindly reiterate, graphs.

everybody loves graphs, right? i know i do. almost as much as i love search results linking to 37 minute youtube how-to videos for reminders/instructions on how to fix a 37 second problem with absolutely zero transcript in the video description's text area.

anyways. here's a great example of a proper how-to video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py3QKC_OTvI

if you're having a bad day, ignore everything i've said, and just watch the 1st 6 seconds of the above how-to video. :)

i use grid paper all the time for notes.

i found a little orange notebook for sale at an obscure place many years ago. honestly, it's changed my life.

well, at any rate, to make a short story long, since i like orange, have no concept of the value of a dollar, and, have every intention of perhaps someday using at least a few of the methodically-growing collection of various notepads i, for <insert totally legitimate and intentional reason here>, possess, i purchased this particular notepad.

to paint a better picture of that day, which occurred oh so long ago, i will provide only the important, totally accurate and truthful details.

the setting, if you will. mid-morning, early-fall. it's probably a Saturday. the temperature calls for a light-jacket as the over-cast sky emits it's mixture of sunshine amongst the calming grey-blue cover of moisture-laden clouds.

walking toward an outdoor vendor's booth as the vendor stands proudly behind his u-shaped arrangement of cloth-covered display tables. these tables contain an assortment of hand-drawn bookmarks and sketches, along with, let's say, some reading materials, like magazines and a few books, both the hard-backed and paper-backed variety. also present are different combinations of bound-together materials, which are probably notebooks or notepads. each one has a different size, shape, thickness, and design.

perusing through places like this, a crucial, well-practiced defense strategy is used.

keeping an over-all casual demeanor and adhering to a strict no-eye-contact rule, this unknown vendor's booth is approached while a series of covert glances toward the wares on display are quickly performed. initially, a not-my-tempo or no-way-jose kind of vibe was formed. in order to bide some time, most likely, a few easy-to-decipher, interest-grabbing ganders towards a direction away from this particular merchant occurred.

a decision still not made, the tried-and-true apathetic nod-of-head, where two-to-three down-up movements as you plan to callously stroll past this offending concessionaire, was kept in mind and ready to be performed.

however, between a fanned-out stack of various flower-print 9x11's and a neatly organized array of light to dark shaded faux-leather bound 5x8.5s, basically hiding in plain sight, an innocuous orange item is spotted. a feeling arises. it's obviously camouflaged, no doubt, at least to any passer by lacking dignity, style, or taste.

getting closer, the item comes into clear view. with a palette of orange, white, and brown, it forms a perfect rectangle, concisely contained within it's own precision cut, sharp, rigid edges.

it's immediately obvious that this pad's particular conglomeration of bound materials was, in fact, nothing of the ordinary variety.

picking up the item, an aptly heft weight matches it's precedent set by observing the sturdy outer covering.

flipping it over, a sense of superior craftsmanship is given off. flipping back over to open the front cover, a set of accurately aligned factory-creases are noticed. opening the pad, the ability to fold it's front cover backwards over it's self is realized. gripping the pad, the cover stays out of the way, neatly positioned behind the pad's heftier, solid cardboard, backside.

it's clear that writing and/or carrying while open is made comfortable and easy.

noticing the thick, special paper inside the pad, you get goosebumps.

the vendor then states that it's imported from France.

money is thrown at the vendor and the notepad, in all it's glory, has a new owner, as immediately, there is love for what is formally known as the "Rhodia No 12 Pad".

the vendor states he has more notepads with different styles and sizes. they all get purchased. they all get loved. over time, a special life-long bond with a brand is formed.

the end.

so, yeah, i mean, Rhodia pads are pretty cool. btw, i am just an idiot. i have no affiliation with Rhodia pads. i merely wanted to spread the word about a well-made "life-changing" product.

oh. also. grid paper note pads kick ass. so does graph paper. i actually like graph paper better. don't tell my grid pads that, though.

Rhodia notebooks are great. Also check out Rite in the Rain. As a lefty I don't care for spiral-bound anything, but I use a pocket-size Rite in the Rain in the gym to track my exercise goals & results.

that doesn't mean they aren't there.

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