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That's a great list; while not explicitly writing them out, we raise our kids by similar rules, and I think it's been a huge help. #1 is huge. We also explicitly answer any question they ask (barring privacy concerns). The answers vary based on how old they are, and what they're capable of understanding, but they can always ask for more detail if we guess wrong. It lets them know that there are no taboo subjects with us, and they can always come to us with their hard questions.

It did mean nuanced conversations about how not to ruin the "Santa Clause game" for other kids, etc.

This is beautiful; the motion of the legs reminds me of some giant scuttling insect. I'd love to have a coffee table like that. I wouldn't even want the motor, actually. It looks like you can just push it and have it walk smoothly, as if pushing a table with fixed-orientation wheels.

Yes, it seems a set of 3 legs properly linked behaves much like a wheel, which is very cool.

Reminds me of Terry Pratchett's resograph: https://wiki.lspace.org/Riktor

Efficacy is also going to vary with usage. I've got a 900CFM fan, but I can still smoke up the kitchen pretty badly if I sear on the front burner, even with the fan on high. However, if I use the back burner, even with the fan on low, the air stays pretty clear.

Are you sure it's really a 900CFM fan? A lot of cheap fans on amazon claim they are high CFM and when you look at components, are like 400 at best. High CFM fan will run you at least $2k to start.

It's a name-brand fan bought at a local showroom a decade ago. IIRC it was under $1000 at the time.

I tried something similar last week [https://guitar2tabs.klang.io], so I just ran yours with the same song [Surfin St. Helens by The Volcanos] to see how they compared.

* Lamucal did better on the chords--to my ear they're not perfect [e.g. D vs. D minor], but guitar2tabs couldn't do chords at all. * Guitar2tabs did pretty well at figuring out the melody; they couldn't grok the rhythm, but got a pretty decent sequence of notes. Lamucal didn't even try; the "tab" is just a list of chords.

One very nice feature of guitar2tabs is that you can play either the original audio or the extracted music, so you can hear how close it is. I'd recommend adding that--just playing the original is still useful, to see they sync with the extracted music, but playing the extraction is more so.

I carried a CO2 meter on a flight recently, to use CO2 as a proxy for COVID risk. The levels were quite high for the whole flight--over 1000 pretty much the whole time iirc and worse on the tarmac.

How did you calibrate the meter for the changing temperature and pressure? Most CO2 meter designs are extremely sensitive to pressure changes.

It's a cheap portable, with no calibration possible. I have no idea what effect pressure would have on it, unfortunately.

There are geared unicycles, e.g. https://krisholm.com/en/gear/component/kh-schlumpf Folks I know who've used them liked them because they took the place of both a 24" and a 36" wheel, in one unicycle. I don't know that they ever changed gears while riding, although I'm told it's possible.

Same--folks are generally interested and/or amused. It's been ages since I unicycled in public [I'm not great at it], but none of what's been posted here about reactions surprises me.

How odd. I was just thinking of this story the other day. I'd heard it read on NPR maybe 25 years ago, and then just happened to think of it and look it up and read it last week. Now it's on HN. Whenever things like happen I wonder if there was something in the news that subtly reminded many folks of the same thing. I can't remember what brought it up for me, but there must have been something.

I happened across the movie adaptation on Criterion last night and watched it not knowing a thing about it. I was captivated immediately. Afterwards I found the short story. So seems like nothing more than coincidence in this case that you read it last week.

(I was surprised to see the upvotes this morning. I really don't ever have any idea what HN is going to find interesting.)

Bodies vary. Years ago my partner of the time and I did low carb at the same time, eating a lot of the same meals, of course. We both lost weight. We both ran. I felt great and had a lot of energy. They felt miserable for the whole multi-month period.

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