"Takeaway for practice: Quantifying pedestrian crossing distance at the scale of entire municipalities empowers transportation planners to identify pedestrian-hostile crossings(individuals and clusters), add context to collision trends, and geographically target locations for traffic calming.
These cases collectively demonstrate how the increasing prioritization of the automobile in city planning quantitatively changes (and degrades) the pedestrian environment, as well as how low-tech investments, such as sidewalk extensions and refuge islands, can mitigate these trends."
I find it ironic that the word capitalism appears only 13 times in this thread, which has 7112 comments at the time of posting. This isn’t surprising, though, given how unpopular the topic of class warfare is in the USA.
Regardless of who you vote for, many would argue that a lot of the USA’s (and most countries nowadays, really) socioeconomic issues stem from unregulated capitalism, which -- quite simply -- prioritizes profit over people.
Having toiled in sushi taverns for nigh on a decade, wherein the verdant avocado reigns supreme in North American fare, I have honed my skill in discerning the ripeness of countless avocados each passing annum. Nay, there lies no enchantment in this art, only diligent practice. A keen intuition doth develop with time. Lo and behold, should an avocado err in ripening, fear not. Craft thyself a guacamole or an avocado toast, and the subsequent fruit shall be of greater delight.
(I wrote a reply and asked chatGPT to rewrite it in a medieval style)
Same here — I live in Eastern Canada and my municipality is rolling out a program where you'll put compostables in a separate bag, but the sorting is done by the trashman.