Hey HN! I'm launching my winter side project today, Postcarder.
Postcarder makes it easy for you to write your elected representatives in support of liberal causes. By combining a few APIs and an address book for Capitol Hill, my hope is that Postcarder will help more people be heard by their representatives.
Gomix (https://gomix.com) is my current favorite. It might not have as many bells and whistles as the others you listed, but it "just works" more of the time than any other platform I've tried.
I spent a lot of time with Docker in its early days, and now I work a lot with documentation. I dream of providing my readers with live, on-demand sandboxes they can use to play with our sample code before trying to run it locally.
Lots of services have cropped up in recent years to try and make this dream a reality. Unfortunately, most either require user registration or are defunct, and I suspect it's because preventing abuse and fraud are extremely difficult.
HyperDev is by far the best attempt I've seen yet. It's functional, doesn't require user registration, and provides a full URL I can use with other web APIs.
I agree that most HN readers probably wouldn't use this service, but I will definitely point people to it.
I have set up dozens of sites for friends and relatives over the years. The only reason I'm still paying for shared hosting with WebFaction every month is because some of them are still running blogs / businesses off the crummy site I made for them years ago.
My default response when someone wanted a personal website used to be giving them a WordPress blog. But most people never actually wanted to write content for a blog - they just wanted a domain name and a custom email address, but got overwhelmed when shopping for a domain.
Sending people to a service like this is better for them and better for me.
I know you can't share AMIs derived from marketplace snapshots, so I suspect the same may be true of Windows instances. The marketplace instance restriction is rather annoying as CentOS and Debian publish their official images through the marketplace.
Definitely some neat features here which will help people who need to use Docker but can't use the command line.
For example, when you click the 'Terminal' button on a running container, it automatically starts a docker-exec command in that container for you, which is handy.
For people checking it out today, note that it creates its own boot2docker VM, even if you have one on your system already. So Kitematic won't be able to see any of the images or containers you have running through your other boot2docker VM.
My long term vision for Postcarder is to partner with other liberal political organizations as a tool their supporters can use.
But the self-service part of Postcarder is working today and I plan to always support it.
Feedback and questions are welcome. Thanks!