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This doesn't seem like a good use of your time.

I suggest installing an advert blocking program, then finding a more ambitious way to put a dent in the universe.

Is "I don’t read resumes", "I don’t care about your resume", very common? It seems a bit cold hearted and unfriendly. It says to me "I don't care enough to read a bit about you, and your achievements". But that's just me.

I usually read resumes, but I don't really care about them. Candidates usually send "cover letters" (this is all email, so, really we're just talking about the 2 grafs that precede the resume in the resume email) and a cover letter is enough to get me on the phone. If I like you on the phone, I will never bother looking at your resume.

So going from "I don't read resumes" and "I don't care about your resume" to "I usually read resumes" seems a bit self-contradicting. Regardless, I agree with your point of view. When we were interviewing, we got a bunch of impressive resumes but in reality...

I usually read resumes.

I do not care about resumes.

If I get on the phone with you because of your cover letter and haven't read your resume, I will probably never read your resume.

Regardless of whether I ever look at your resume, it's very unlikely to have any impact on our hiring process. We use practical tests and, to a much lesser extent, 1:1 interviews on concepts; the practical tests have been so valuable that we're moving towards doing more of them and less subjective interviews.

Your resume fits almost nowhere in this process.

It can be difficult for people in a software management role to come to grips with the fact that they aren't the smartest or most qualified. Its a huge blow to their ego and sense of self worth. They dislike the idea of meritocracy because they are not in their jobs based on merit. One way they act out on these feelings is this 'resumes don't matter' attitude. You see lots of passive aggressive behavior like random destruction of resumes, rejecting candidates over the hiring team's objections, etc.

I have walked into so many interviews where it is clear that the interviewer(s) haven't had even the briefest glance of my resume, that I have to answer "yes".

It is strange how sloppy the interview process can work. I have more than one time been asked to attend an interview with maybe 10-15 minutes advance notice, because someone else did not have time, did not prioritize it, was sick etc. A quick scan through the resume is all that I could do to prepare then.

In our industry, I think there's no issue besides hiring that is both more important and more screwed up.

In these cases, for phone interviews, it is best to reschedule. This happens enough that it is not accidental. It's likely a trick to get the interviewer to give a softball interview.

It means that resumes are more showing your writing skills than anything else. The claims there are essentially uncheckable.

yep, sounds a bit harsh. Oh well, that just means prolly we should get back to pushing the code to git, instead of reading HN ;)

Are there any other countries where the education systems often reach this level of legal activity/deliberation/antagonism?

Or do they just quietly get on with teaching students?

What would the ideal policy be?

My ideas are:

- Students own their own work; even if they don't really care for it. I don't see any value in a 10 year pile of homework, but if you create a great piece of art, you should be able to take it home. Realistically, most work is valueless and binned.

- Any created teaching materials may optionally be released as open source, under some license that prevents anyone profiting from them. There's often a gap between good work, and good releasable work (final polish, consistency and so on). Anyone (e.g. some school district) wanting a particular set of work released should be prepared to fund this final polishing. So, a teacher could make a great course, subsequently receive funding to make it brilliant for others, and share it with the world. Thus any good teaching materials created benefit the most amount of people.

"What would the ideal policy be?"

Not applying copyrights to education and knowledge, because copyrights make no sense in an age of widespread fast Internet access. Further, as public schools are government entities, they should not have copyrights at all; all unclassified government work should be in the public domain, and schools should not even think about classifying their teachers' or students' work.

"This thinking is backwards. If you care about the reliability, security, and the protection of your data, then you should entrust it to those who are most capable of managing it. If you believe you can match the capabilities and rigor of Google’s Security Operations team, I wish you well."

They may be good, but naturally introduces more attack vectors into many applications.

My nicely firewalled and audited application would become exposed to an undetermined number of people I have never met. e.g. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2369188,00.asp . It only takes one rogue person and you have a problem.

My application has 5 trusted people. It would be interesting to know the additional number of people you are implicitly trusting by using a cloud service. 100?

Unless you also run and operate your own datacenter, the number of people you implicitly trust is fewer but still roughly the same as with a cloud provider. There's all the datacenter security personal, network and hardware technicians that could all possibly be "rogue".

I read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_week and don't see the point of this. It just seems like stressing people out due to poor coordination and time management.

Agreed. In this situation, the individual students have agency over their level of stress during that specific week. It's absurd to make generalizations about the school because a large number of individuals decide independent of one another and of the institution to waste time or to procrastinate.

Does Stripe ask for any more information than that available on the card?

Normally I'm asked for at least a Post Code, which I assume is part of reducing fraud, through making it a bit more difficult to use a stolen card.

I always feel articles such of these should be prefixed with "within my humble experience and within my application area".

"Comments are generally only needed when you failed to be clear enough in naming. Treat them as a code smell." ...but only in simpler applications, such as self-describing CRUD type web applications?

I think I agree with the quote within some web apps, however remember some code may take weeks/months to appreciate the complexities of. For example, a TCP stack is a complicated thing, born and refined through much research for several decades. Notes of various design choices and optimisations need to be documented, and long comments are sometimes the most convenient way to do so.

Agreed. I recently had to write a lot of digital signal processing including some things like unscented Kalman filters and other things you need a bit of stats background to digest. You don't just dump a load of linear algebra down and hope the poor maintainer can keep up! It's beneficial to explain what is going on. Just as a mathetmatics professor will talk while writing on the black board in a lecture, rather than just writing it in silence and arrogantly declaring it is complete and self documenting and walking out the door.

Comments are good for the why, not the how.

I've read far too many comments above functions that simply restate exactly what the code is doing or explain what the stupid abbreviated variables mean.

Comments are a tool that should be used sparingly. They definitely have their place and can be used helpfully. I've found that they're easy to screw up though and I try to avoid them.

Would you use a doctor who had not been to college?

As you hopefully would not, therefore your argument has a flaw in it, you might like to enumerate the list of professions or activities you believe do not require college level education.

I'd never use a doctor, they're not tools.

But I'd absolutely seek the advice of doctors who never had formal education. In fact, based on hard evidence and history, I'd be more interested in what some outside-the-box professionals have to say about a given condition than to have someone recite a textbook paragraph to me that I could read for myself for free at the library.

I can't think of one profession or activity that requires a college-level education in reality, though there are plenty that legally you need licenses, etc. for.

Any thoughts on whether this is:

* a long term program to mint more developers (and drive down salaries) * to mint more developers to create more websites to display advertising on faster * ??? or

* a genuine good will program * ???


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