What I gleaned most from the article(s) is that it's becoming increasingly important for all of us in the tech community to take a stand ourselves along with TOR to promote online anonymity in our companies (& possibly even think about supporting the TOR Project itself in some way).
That's what I like about the mind of an entrepreneur- the ability & desire to innovate.
San Francisco has through the roof high rent? Well, why not innovate & live in an RV? An innovative way to overcome the problem of containing personal costs. Also, this is a way to actually own something that can open up some very cool travel possibilities as well.
Living in an RV is innovation? Then living in a mobile home must be absolutely bleeding edge. ;)
I'm not saying that it's bad. As a kid I thought of traveling with friends to every ski resort in North America and living out of an RV. I knew a group that actually did just that and I still envy that opportunity. But I've settled down since then and I like having a foundation.
I get the feeling if you're going to "innovate" RV living, you'll do it in North Dakota and not SF. Lot of people with a lot of money now and a housing market that hasn't caught up.
They did no such thing, unless "decent" means living like an animal. Next thing, you'll be telling me that living in stacked chicken wire cages, the some people do in Hong Kong, counts as innovation.
"Living like an animal" sounds like an exaggeration. Yes, it's probably most appropriate for a single, hipster 20-35-something, but it's an interesting lifehack.
Compared to what you'd get for the same price in SF (e.g. a tiny bedroom in a shared 6 BR house - student-style), it looks like an interesting alternative.
Totalitarianism is on the rise and the mass surveillance age is proof of it. It could also be an observation that we the public bought the lies of safety and security that was being fed to us in erecting all of these government programs.
I guess now many of us are seeing the light that it seems much more likely that this is really all about controlling the masses to the benefit of the state and not about security at all. However, those being given such powers may very well have figured that we would later figure this out but by then it would be too late for us to do anything about it. I would like to believe that we the people will prove them wrong.
We know we have a problem when transparency is largely demonized. Allegations of "terrorism" seems to be bringing much benefit to government. I saw a movie recently from the 1980's called "They Live!" I noticed that in the movie the word terrorism, allegations of terrorism or terrorists toward those who opposed them, was the weapon of control of the disguised, camelion totalitarian regime in power. Only those with special glasses could see them. It would seem as if this would be the playbook in protecting criminal government activity done under the auspices of law. Al Capone would have drooled for such type of power.
Top Secret should not be an excuse to undermine the law, the rights of individuals, and the Constitution of the United States. Those who witness such crimes have the duty to come forward to the public. By keeping quiet and turning a blind eye to crime, one partners with it.
Crime grows in the dark while the light of day exposes it. Freedom requires transparency. A war on whistle-blowers is really a type of barometer as to the amount of freedom that we really have.
This is a great way of holding the banks accountable and asserting fairness in the citizen's fight against the corprotacracy that has a chokehold on our nation at the moment. If the banks that have received huge amounts of taxpayer money in the form of bailouts refuse to right the abuses that they created then it is incumbent upon a free people to stand up or continue to be run over. It is unfortunate that our federal legislators have allowed things to get to this point. Local governments are going to have to do something as the legislators at the federal level are unwilling to go against or are themselves corrupted by the corporate lobby. This is why we should not allow for career politicians.
How about this. We should let the NSA spy on all domestic corporate transmissions. This would be a great way of holding the banks accountable and asserting fairness in the citizen's fight against the corporatocracy that has a chokehold on our nation. If the banks that have recieved huge amounts of taxpayer money in the form of bailouts refuse to right the abuses that they created then it is incumbent upon a free people to stand up or continue to be run over.
Do you not see the problem with inventing a new power out of whole cloth to fight wrongdoing? Surely, the banks have done wrong - and should be prosecuted. But the exact thing that you rail against - "banks recieving huge amounts of taxpayer money" was ITSELF the product of exactly the same thinking that you are engaged in - "let's invent a clever new government power. for the public benefit [to save the economy]". problem is, these "public benefits" are so often really just to help out some private consortium - and you don't have to look too hard to figure out who that is in this case.
I am taking two classes at the moment and the only option the college offers for them is to take them online. (One is supposed to be a hybrid but only in theory.) What I have found is that the workload in one of these online classes actually compares to one of my MBA grad school classes. Many times the assignments do not have adequate instruction provided from the text in order to complete them. For these reasons, I have been left me really desiring that this was a traditional class with a real instructor and instruction provided in the classroom. There is something to be said for classroom interaction for sure. It would at least have been nice to have been given an option to take the class in an actual classroom setting. This way I could actually be taught the content rather than left trying to figure it out by with a learning lab instructor or by myself.
God has made it possible for me when it should not have been possible at all. Somehow, God proves that He is real to me in that against all odds I keep going. All of these answers in this thread that I have read are great answers for doing all that you know how to do. Sometimes it takes God to put you over when nothing else can. If all else fails, try God! Lol!
This is something that has hit my consciousness only recently as a result of the gun debate (3-d printers are being used to manufacture magazines). Since then I have checked out some uses for it on YouTube and have seen everything it used to manufacture model airplanes that fly to hand-grenades (yikes!). I have already been pricing out units myself and would like to purchase one of these one day in the not-so-distant future. The change that this technology will bring to so many individuals around the world is nothing short of revolutionary. I believe that it will really impact our society over the next decade in ways we would not even realize yet- kind of like the Internet did in the 1990's.
I have home-schooled kids and have planned to start my daughter in Code Academy. Knowing how to code is a leg-up in the digital age. However, it's not for everybody. We still need those with basic trade-skills who seem to be getting kicked to the curb in favor of someone in China who could do the job cheaper. (If we want to build the American economy we are going to have to become self-sufficient inside of our own country again and have no trade-deficit.)