Use the Access Control pane to remove public access from whatever you are worried about. If you go to your public folder in the data browser, then select the sharing control pane by hovering at the top of the pane so the pane icons appear and then click on the rainbow icon. You should see the access control list including yourself at the top as the owner, and public (a globe icon) at the bottom as readers - in green. Delete the globe icon line by hovering at the right side, clicking on the read minus sign, and then confirming you want to remove the public. (If you need to drag it back, there is a globe icon at the bottom you can always grab to drop into the access control list.) Sorry not better documented!
"Because our personal data is incorporated into a highly networked system (the various ad platforms), is worth much more than if it isolated, or “decentralized.” Actually this is IMHO a myth. It is worth more to the ad companies. But not to me. In fact, my data is more interesting and more valuable to me than to the ad system. When I can run apps (including AI) which work for me doing aggregation across all kinds of data about me they will provide me with much greater power. Personal data integration. AIs which work for me, report to me. Being able to write trusted apps which have read/access to all aspects of a person's life, not just the stuff they shared in a social network silo.
Yeah it really irked me when I discovered that I couldn't easily review the tracks that I "loved" with Apple music. When researching just why I found some disingenuous nonsense on the Apple support forums about how they use it to help provide a better experience.
Yeah, tanks hows about I get to see the tunes that I liked myself and make those judgements. Never pressed the "love" button again.
I presume this is what you're getting at. That these companies get to harvest my data and make insights about me that I don't get to make myself.