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Or you might find people you do want to listen to. Sometimes you really are the only sane person or THE most interesting person in the room. It isn't you who is the problem but the room you occupy.

Think about this, if you were in a room with Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerburg, and Bernie Madoff, how much talking would you be doing?

Not that much.

Not a helpful comment when this person has suggested it has negatively affected their life and is looking to change.

N's can't ever (ever ever...) be wrong. The problem has to be something external, such as their environment. ;)

The change should be his environment and not him. Far easier to change where you are than WHAT you are.

This is a very destructive comment, and I hope that no one is seriously reading this and thinking it's ok and applies to them. The most socially unadjusted people I know often blame everyone else around them except for themselves, when it's clear that they were both acting like jerks and totally unaware the entire time. I have a friend that's literally jobless and in poverty now because he was continuously let go project after project due to his combativeness. It's far easier in this case for him to change his behavior than to find a place to work with high salary that allows combative behavior.

You can and should always work on yourself. Focusing on self-awareness and feedback from others helps a lot to adjust your behavior to make others around you feel loved and supported, which in turn will only make your life way easier because people will like you and want to see you succeed. It's a normal part of maturing. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it's not the right thing to do.

It is about degrees. I used to be miserable trying to "behave" and realized that I was in the wrong environment. I was not a fit for that company or that culture. Working in tech has made it that I don't need to behave since most of my natural tendencies are acceptable there. How bad would it be if someone said that you have to become something I am not.

I agree that my comments could be harmful if it was the only one, but there needs to be balance in advice.

I assume this person is "successful", may be that's the faulty assumption.

Tech being filled with narcissists is not a good thing. It drives many away who could provide better balance, and does major damage long term to the culture. There’s a big backlash against the “arrogance” of Silicon Valley for a reason.

Writing good content is hard. If a writer could do it, they are rarely going to be writing it to sell. So gaming the system and writing average content (much easier to produce) and gaming the system is the best way to go.

like a company is going to sue over this.

social media and shame culture makes this silly to attempt.

I bought food to cook for 2 days at a time. Requires 3 visits to grocery store per week. Given your shopping list is small doesn't take that much.

Yes but then you loose the bulk discounts. Getting 2 days (for one person) worth of veggies, meat etc isn't much cheaper than eating out. Plus the time spent doing the grocery shopping 3 times a week, with the time to cook the individual portion, then cleaning up for me just wasn't worth it. Individual preference obviously, but just didn't make sense for me most of the time.

You can definitely argue on the time aspect, it is definitely much longer, but if you actually start adding tax and tip and really look at transactions, there's no way that eating out is anywhere close than food cost.

making cash for "the good" life not same as changing the world.

read never split the difference.

measure how often you're talking vs. they are if the split isn't 80% in their favor you're doing it wrong.

google drive that backs up folder on computer. I scan everything.

As tired as this cliche is, I have to ask if you workout.

I found that lifting or intense cardio helps me move out of my funks.

When I'm suffering through an intense workout I don't think about anything else. When I finish the workout, I can be so exhausted that I pass out and go to sleep. that in itself is a blessing.

Lastly, so much of stress is self-imposed. You are where you are, and whatever plans you have, are determined by you.

Be safe. Good luck.

Came here to say this. Even better if OP can find/afford a gym with a strong social component; I know people who only marginally care about fitness but really really care about seeing their friends at the gym and that is enough get them to go to the gym several times per week. But you won't find this at most cheap commercial chains where people just want to bang out some cardio and get out. You have to look around at more niche facilities to find the right vibe.

Working out and improving your strength can also give you a feeling of accomplishment, rightfully held, too, when there isn't any other source of that.

Build vs. buy for tech platforms. 100% build or 100% buy both are dangerously answers from a senior tech person.

XC Skiing is more an alternative to jogging than it is to Downhill skiing.

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