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Oh stars no. Xe heart skips a beat every time a driver goes right back the stop sign and the white line, especially when they practically put their nose in the traffic lane.

We put far, far too many entrances and exits directly into traffic here in the US. The behavior to normalize should be directing folks onto back roads with much saner speed limits.

Only 10-15 over? Here in Connecticut it's common to have someone pass you on the right at 20-25 over the limit (putting them at an absolute speed of 85-90 MPH). Tailgating is constant. Xe can't wait to move back to NYC where the drivers are much, much saner. Seriously.

I hate when I happen to end up in left lane (construction merge from left etc) and I put my blinker on but people keep passing on right rather than let me get out of the way.

That's the EU price, right? They're $27 in the US: https://pine64.com/product-category/pinetime-smartwatch/.

Speaking from first-hand experience, the positive and negative experiences aren't mutually exclusive.

I might be a college-educated autodidact who made an entire career out of self-taught tech skills but that was despite a parent trying to raise me as a young earth creationist and despite all kinds of still un- and underdiagnosed trauma and disorders. Didn't get my ADHD diagnosis until my late thirties and still haven't been diagnosed as autistic, among other things, all of which likely would have been glaringly obvious to public school staff.

Location: Brooklyn, New York Remote: Yes (preferred) Willing to relocate: Highly conditional Technologies: Ruby, JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, Node.js, Rails, SQL Résumé/CV: http://www.jcholder.com/resume/resume_holder_jc.pdf (password: "resume") Email: hire at thirdtruck - org

Full-stack and front-end developer specializing in JavaScript. Looking for full-time work but open to contract work. Experienced in agile/SCRUM. Currently working full time on a personal game project. Picking up React in my spare time.

With the long-standing understanding that commercial speech is not protected to the same degree as non-commercial speech.

That's a horrible precedent. Most noncommercial advertising is popitical advertising, which is funded by the special interests who will commercially profit from the advertised politicians.

That's the classic mistake! Make the game now, but at a sustainable pace, and then release it after things improve. If you wait until things look good again, then you've already missed the chance to get in on the new ground floor.

I think he was sacarstic.

I think so too. Nevertheless, the comment inspired me and cheered me up :)

Thanks! I'm being sincere, at least.

I can understand where they're coming from but, for the life of me, I can't recall the last time I needed to restore such code after a long gap. If the code's that interesting, they can either leave it on a feature branch or refactor it out into a reusable module or the like.

Second that, usually I see worthless snippets commented out. Those are good as reference for a couple of hours when you work on the code but when you are done the commented code is lie and new code is truth. Also I cannot imagine working on a piece of code without looking at git history to get context (commit messages linked issues in tracker) in this way commented code from past has no value for me at all.

If I hadn't started my new job just this week, I'd ask if you were hiring.

Seconding. I found it an invaluable read, as well. It dispels quite a few invisible myths.

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