Funny that I got downvoted for saying that, I will say it again, it was not legal, and therefore because the lack of participation is not representing the opinion of the Catalans.
Obviously there is no legitimacy on declaring the independence in an unilateral way considering that the referendum was illegal. What is happening is pure "picaresca española" ;)
National media is crying outloud people are 'adoctrinated' in Catalonia in favour of that saying? like seeing the mote in one's brother's eye without noticing the beam in one's own.
maybe if Bram even commented on the two patches that Thiago had posted, things could have been different.
All Thiago got was: being ignored, one of the worst ways of disdain. Not just even a 'thanks but not interested'.
Other two guys who tried to provide patches to be merged on the same area also suffered from being mostly ignored (he replied to them but just once I think).
Which really intrigues me is the "Differences among salaries for Developers by level" [0] Why is Spain's data inverted, meaning that the junior developers make more money than Senior ones.
yeah...not sure how well informed your are...Pamplona is NOT a region, but the capital of a region.