I skim submission titles and consider everything else subtext. The titles aren't distinguished enough for me here, I find my eyes jumping around more than I'd like them to.
I'm not sure if this is spam or a legitimate post of someone's new project. It doesn't help that you submitted this twice with different names. I'm going to be nice, assume there is a friendly face behind zenslim, and idea dump.
I really like the idea of personalized diets and an online program. If I could ensure a program would give me realistic goals and recipes catered to my body I could be interested. You have to convince me though, and your site isn't doing it. I filled out your questionnaire but then it asked for a Paypal. I still have no idea what you're asking me to pay for. Is it a pdf? I can buy books and pdfs everywhere, something more interactive is what caught my eye. Can I see some suggested recipes from my program? Do I have access to a community? Also, I had to search a little bit to find out where I was supposed to go. There needs to be a clear flow, a quick explanation of the product, and a big link that says "BUY" or something similarly simple.
Next time, if this is legit, post a Show HN or something more rather than just a link. Don't do it anytime soon though, 2 is enough for one day. Tell us the story behind your project and ask for feedback. Maybe talk about conversions, what programs bring the most money in, etc.
I have been off Facebook for sometime now for a variety of reasons. People who know me are probably tired of my rants about privacy, data retention, and other Facebook woes. But I have years of pictures on there, and conversations, and memories. I have downloaded a back up of it all but can't bring myself to click that delete button. It'd be like burning my journals!
I guess thats a personal call. After seeing the craigslist killer's subpoena , i d rather not have journals, that all my crazy rants and personal quotes and other moments being presented to cops and lawyers to read and laugh at.
For me it's about forcing some boredom into your life. With the Internet and TV I feel hyper stimulated all the time. To find entertainment I merely collapse into my chair, click a few buttons, and begin passively consuming.
Without something neurotically occupying my attention (ie internet) I quickly become bored. When bored I then proceed to think through everything I could possibly do, prioritize the ideas, and choose one to act upon. Even if I end up watching a television show the important thing is that I chose to watch that specific show rather than passively accepting whatever was being played at the time. I have not had TV in a long time, so that's not a problem, but whenever I've momentarily had no internet I find I eat better, exercise more, have a cleaner house, and knock more things off of my to do lists.
It's not that I want to go without internet, it's just that I do not want the internet at home. I've been without it before and really enjoyed the experience, now I just have to make the leap of canceling internet completely.
I'd say that it's less about the Internet at home and more about the 'always on' aspect.
You could try emulating the 'dial-up experience' by forcing some sort of 'connection ritual' that you must go through to get the Internet. An example setup (assuming you only have a laptop) could be to disable wifi, and force yourself to plug in an ethernet cable every time. With this setup you can still have Internet for things like an HTPC, for your television while still having the 'no Internet' on your computer experience.
Absolutely. I have a wireless button on my laptop and I generally disable wireless when I want to get work done. I like the idea of a physical ritual, I kind of want to build a big cartoony internet switch now. It's like forcefully inserting a brief moment of reflection before you use the internet.
I totally agree. If I waste an entire day messing around on the Internet, I go to bed with my mind frazzled. It's like guzzling a load of "empty calories" and feeling no benefit from them.
I've done the no-internet thing before for several months and while it wasn't a magic cure-all, I'd like to do it again. One downside is a certain feeling of lonliness when you're used to being able to swoop in and out of interesting discussions at any time of the day or night.
Soon after, the district’s Special Education Director wrote to Hester, saying “[I]n the absence of you voluntarily granting Lewis Cass ISD administration access to you[r] Facebook page, we will assume the worst and act accordingly."
To be fair she did post something that would get her fired if posted in a truly public setting. If the parent of a student was able to see this picture then it's hard to consider her Facebook profile private. If they had a screen shot of this photo on Facebook I doubt they would require her password to suspend her.
That being said I still think it is horrid that anyone would even think of asking for a Facebook password, and the "guilty until proven innocent" thing doesn't fly with me.
1. On the internet large amounts of traffic means that you will have trolls galore. In my eyes some of those comments are normal internet fodder and just need to be moderated out.
2. You are using IP that you do not own. Memes are not public domain. Of course that is going to get people angry, particularly when there is money involved.
You conflate attribution with pirating? What specifically about IP rights are you referring to? Also, the aforementioned communities you are talking about are tens of millions of people.
Nice word - conflate. I had to look that up. I never said anything about piracy - you said that, not me.
If you're going to copy photos and paste funny text on them without considering whether you have legal rights to use the photo, then who am I to stop you? I like memes. But then if are going to cry "IP rights" when somebody else takes the same photo plus your funny text and uses it in some other way - then in my book you get filed under H for Hypocrite.
I think what that is, people showing their true colors about respect for other's work. If it's convenient to use something then it's fair-use and the IP owner can go screw himself. But if somebody takes OUR stuff, then bring the vengeance of the Internet upon thee with furious anger!
You're right. I don't see footers on each Fry meme attributing the character to Matt Groening. And yet, when you add 24-point Impact font saying something witty, you own it all of a sudden? Give me a break.
If it's fair use to put the text on the image in the first place, then it's fair use to use the image with the text. People can be upset all they want about it, but it's not going to change the fact that the entire spread of memes occurs without respect for (and in fact despite) copyright law.
What does it mean that "memes are not public domain?" Of course that's the case if the image used in the meme is copyrighted, but does it go beyond that? Can the "pattern" or "recipe" for a meme be copyrighted? For example, would copyright protect the very idea of placing text describing an awkward social encounter on an image of a penguin?
Ideally that could be classified as a derivative work, which one could argue is fair use. But, that argument will happen in a court after you have been sued. The "Kind of Bloop" affair should give you an example of what I'm talking about:
Honestly though this is just couch-analytics from me. I'm not sure how copyright applies to meme pictures and am fascinated by related court cases. Anyone else have interesting meme/copyright-related court case suggestions?
Fair use is a fickle beast and not something to rely on. I have no idea how those sites exist without lawsuits but I would not consider them shining examples of web success.
My advice is to contact "memegenerator, knowyourmeme, and others" and ask them what licensing agreements they have with the copyright holders that allow them publish the content. You may be surprised to learn how much or how little money changes hand.
I spoke with the founder/owner of campusmemes.com asking the same questions. He basically said, "We operate business as usual until we get a C&D. Remove the image. Life goes on."
Hmm, The Monetization of Copyrighted Content without any Licenses sounds more like a service than a software product. Maybe try to obtain license agreements from the copyright holders and put the funding for agree'ed to licenses in the Kickstarter campaign.
I love the positive response this is getting! Sometimes I fall back into thinking HN is just another list of news, but a real sense of community pops up at a moment like this. Good luck finding work lesterfremn!