Monodraw has an understanding of objects in an ascii drawing. For example, you can select a box and edit the properties of it, or easily move just the box and not boxes within it.
Essentially it's a full flowchart editor that just outputs ascii.
At least ASCII flow is very very buggy on my Mac. And I’ve attempted with many web browsers.
That said, I’m hopeful that it improves its usability and it’s pretty awesome that it is open source and can be run locally which reminds me of hastebin.
I love QCAD, but I am very curious if there are any 2D modeling/drawing programs with constraints. Let me know if you've used on and would recommend it.
Do you mean 2D-only CAD programs? Because you don't have to go 3D with SolveSpace, nor do you have to go 3D with CAD Sketcher for Blender (it uses a Python port of the SolveSpace's solver).
Yes, there is a little lag but I have not found it to be a big deal. If you are getting excessive lag just make sure that the environment is mostly quiet and you have given the Windows VM enough CPU and RAM. Turns out voice recognition is hard.
I mentioned this in an earlier comment as well; using a good microphone I can speak very softly and still have my commands heard accurately. Additionally I take a drink of water whenever WorkRave tells me to take a break (every 3 minutes). Haven't had any trouble with voice at all.
With a nice microphone I have found that I can speak rather quietly and have it still pickup my commands accurately. My office mate has said it doesn't bother him much.