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> Companies should be willing to take these kinds of informed risks in order to improve their employees' ability, and therefore the quality of their product.

Perhaps they should be willing, but your description of this distraction does not including informing the Company and allowing them to determine whether it’s a risk they are willing to accept. You decided for them because you didn’t want to receive the answer “no” in return. This isn’t right.

> "This isn’t right."

I'm afraid the morality of this situation isn't so black-and-white.

In industry, there is always a tension between production and research: cranking out widgets vs. getting better at cranking out widgets.

A dev who spends 100% of their time cranking out widgets is stagnating. That's actually not what your employer wants, despite the fact that their agile process seems to imply that ticket cranking shall be the whole of your focus.

If you ask employers if they expect you to improve your skills over time, they would absolutely say "yes". But if you ask for permission to chase a specific white whale, you will hear "no". Everyone agrees they should be saving for the future, but "not this paycheck".

Taking the naive moral approach here and spending 100% of your time on tickets is not "what's right". If anything, that's you being taken advantage of by your employer -- sacrificing the advancement of your career in the name of short-term sprint velocity gains. On top of that, stagnation is not what your employer really wants anyway.

(edit: the above excludes companies which have explicit "20% time").

I think i work in a similar manner to the gp.. It's transparent to the org... It's not I'll head down this path or investigate this _or_ get my work done.. It's an _and_ situation. Sometimes the rabbit trail is the best thing sometimes you just have to get the thing done... Either way it's still getting done

But it is an informed risk. I was hired to do work in 4 different languages, on the frontend and the backend, plus CSS and HTML. I get to weigh in on UX decisions, I get to design service infrastructure.

Was I born this way? No. I need this overhead, that's just part of being a dev (within reason).

If you require me to do lots of things, there's overhead. If you want a ticket drone for your Scrumfall projects, get a ticket drone.

While PWA’s largely work, they provide a poor installation experience and little device integration. Most people use Apache Cordova, PhoneGap, or Ionic as wrappers to their mobile web app, providing expected installation experiences through app stores and common device integrations.

It seems useful to denote REPL input vs output, and to be able to identify output relating to input.

Sure, but the [5] feels unnecessary in a finished document like this. I mean, the output should be right after the input anyway, right?

It's so it's easy to refer to things, like equation numbers in a maths book, or line numbers in code. E.g. people talking about someone's notebook here on HN can be specific and clear.

It did not seem that they were used by the poster to patronize, they were there to describe a task (creating laws for make-believe countries) that they performed at one stage of their life (middle school).

Is not a direct comparison between the author and middle school attitudes and conduct and being juvenile extremely patronising? (Almost by definition, given the description 'juvenile', ie youthful or child-like.)

There's conduct and commentary that follows the Hacker News ethos, and there's conduct and commentary that does not. This does not. It is a pity to read it.

Not being the author I can not definitively express their intent.

You seem to desire to be an enforcer of rules in this thread, which is admirable, but ultimately not your authority or responsibility to do. I would respectfully suggest you leave moderation to those with the authority to do so.

I see this argument a lot. For myself anyhow, it's because all of my friends and family use it to share photos and memories, and I am able to stay connected to people who I no longer have the same amount of time to stay connected to as I used to. There are certainly fantastic parts about Facebook and other social networks, but that doesn't mean care should not be applied to how they are used.

I also deliberately do not share much on Facebook and other social networks because I feel the same way. It was not long ago that it was relatively common for potential employers to request your Facebook password as part of their hiring decision. It seems obvious that the ways in which you use social media can and will be used against you if necessary, whether by employers or law enforcement agencies, and fail to see why anyone wouldn’t be defensive in how they use these services.

>request your Facebook password

They what? Where was this happening?

I vaguely recall reading about this but it's since been made illegal, in Washington at least. Not sure about the rest of US states though. Pretty sure it's illegal here in the UK.


Just finished running a project with Razzle. It’s nice, the only headaches we experienced were with the SCSS plugin and using environment variables. Decent experience.

I strongly agree with your point regarding Vue template strings and JSX being the future of Vue.

Coming from React + TS projects, Vue + TS is a lesser experience in many ways. Another such way is the community’s infatuation with exporting raw object literals for component definitions, and forcing you to defy common language idioms to support them hoisting this object literal into a component context.

> I strongly agree with your point regarding Vue template strings and JSX being the future of Vue.

I wonder whether that's really true. Most adoption of Vue is from after React and JSX were a thing, and many of the Vue adopters (or at least the ones I encounter online) are adopting it because they found React to complex, or had trouble collaborating with their designers. That sounds like templates are one of its main selling points, especially when compared to React.

I noticed that a lot of Vue users where coming from PHP and Laravel, where string templates are the norm and familiar.

I come from Angular and I have no problem with Vue templates. I have a problem with Vue's tight coupling and lack of injectable services.

I don't have a problem with React either. I try to avoid PHP.

You can get all of that with Electron-based terminals. Perhaps take a look at Hyper.

Ugh, I can't see any advantage that would justify my terminal emulator running on Electron.

I downloaded Hyper on your recommendation. I can't see how it supports inline multimedia. What am I missing?

It doesn't.

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