It's an affiliate link where i hope to earn a buck to pay at least for the server and domain cost, otherwise Nomad Visa is free of ads and has no paywall (yet). What do you prefer? :) Is NordVPN bad? I only found great reviews. Please share your opinion.
Thats interesting. I would also find it interesting if they distinguished between e.g. yoga instructor/surf teacher since they are working locally (sounds pretty illegal to me) and remote work like web design. Has anyone further info?
You can go to "digital nomad visas" for e.g. and explore all countries with this kind of visa. Also in "country view" you can see and filter countries for the types of visas you are interested in. The origin country mapping is currently only done with tourist visas.
I've done django. Can't say I've done nuxt, though I have done vue before. I think your design skills are great! I've always been a backend guy and that's the part I've found really hard.
Thank you! Sounds good! Well nuxt is a vue famework and yeah, vue is amazing. I use vuetify which makes it easy to "design" the frontend. You should check that out.
True! Tourist visas are crawled daily by wikipedia. Not a big thing. Open data. The other visa types are acquired manually from official resources. If Nomad Visa reaches at least some traction, i will build scripts that notify me when changes occur or built scraping scripts. Not sure if the effort is worth it, yet.
Thanks! I know about the issue and couldn't figure out how to really solve it, yet. Still a beginner in web development. If anyone has a link/info. Let me know.