Likely true (I don’t know the source you’re referencing) given cancer risk associated with coal etc. But single nuclear events and fears associated with them stand out to voters, long term health implications of coal or other adverse effects of other power alternatives likely do not.
There are absolutely voters in China. True, the candidates for elections are vetted by the party but the cynical might say there is little difference between that and the primary/convention process in US politics.
The CCP central leadership often responds to public opinion when local leaders are shown to be corrupt/incompetent (or scapegoated for other reasons).
China has a lot of polling stations, they can crawl social media to get what is annoying citizens. They also have a long and rich workers uprising and rebellion.
I've not checked your sources, but the most recent data I've seen suggest that solar and wind have passed nuclear now in terms of safety.
And this was predictable for a while since the deployment was just starting (e.g. most of the deaths are in the construction phase and then the panels generate for decades afterwards.) and the stat is in deaths per TWh.
Note that similar applies to carbon intensity, both pay up front in carbon terms and then work off that debt. Comparing old solar Vs newly installed solar is a similar fudge to nuclear vs solar, and gives misleading conclusions.
Nuclear is much better than coal, but it's hard to find a positive comparison to modern renewables without really cherry picking old data.
Clicked one link, 2012 data, another has 2012 in the URL. A third, published in 2018 is using the 2012 data, I think I've made my point.
They’re likely referring to a remote access trojan (malware) which likely shares many features of whatever administrative tool the IT team uses at that company.
Seems like roughly the same difference between a malware keylogger and say, X11. They both intercept all your keystrokes, but you wanted the latter one to do so and didn't want the former.
("But I didn't want the remote admin tool on my computer!" It's not your computer, it's the company's computer. And they wanted it there.)
They’re also in my neighborhood - I generally see one every time I do an errand. They tend to drive 5-10 mph under the rest of traffic which can be frustrating. They also tend to be slow when making lane changes and turns to the point where it holds up other vehicles.
5-10mph under while within the city limits, on streets where things pop out at you all the time, sounds really nice actually. It's one of the things that happen all the time that drivers ignore the possibility of.
On a similar note, I setup my utility account this week. It was suggested by the representative that I use the last 4 digits of my SSN as a pin for my account. Pretty disappointing how short sighted many companies are when it comes to security practices.
That's because if somebody gets in, it's not their problem for having lax authorization, it's your problem for being "victim of identity theft" and all the burden of proving it wasn't you rests on you. It costs them nothing to give out horrible advice, so they do it.
Have you considered a ms surface for accessing your main machine? I’ve been tempted to use one running a linux disto for pretty much your use case, but haven’t pulled the trigger quite yet
Ive been thinking about it definitely. Id be nervous about loading linux in a surface since it has touch. Im also considering macbook air and the framework laptop. So far nothing has wowed me and Im sort of waiting to get super excited.
I’ve been using an M1 MacBook so far. Optimizing for battery life and durability (in the sense of it won’t fall apart when dropped) and that’s where I’ve landed. I was using a Chromebook for a while before that (with the Linux add-on) and I think I liked that one a bit better. I like being integrated into the iOS ecosystem more than Android though, if I get to choose.
That’s a pretty big ask on a technical level, i’d be very surprised to see that happen anytime soon.
If you’re looking to get out of the adobe ecosystem i’ve had a pretty positive experience using Affinity Designer on my ipad (no affiliation with either company).
Ill be buying a new car this summer and seriously considering doing this or other hardware mods to disable any modems/telemetry. Does anyone know of any forums or something similar dedicated to these types of car hardware mods?
I’ve purchased a book from Kobo before. It used the epub DRM compatible with adobe digital editions. At the time (afaik) they didn’t have a way to load it on a kindle without breaking the drm, converting it to mobi and doing a manual transfer. These days I stick with my public library (which uses overdrive and in my opinion is fantastic) or amazon in the event they don’t own ebook licenses.
That's my flow actually. I look up books on Goodreads or Amazon but buy them from Kobo. There are the additional steps of downloading, removing the DRM and uploading it to my Kindle but I think it's worth it.
It’s always nice starting from a fresh install. But if you’re worried about things breaking during a 30-34 upgrade, i’d suggest doing a backup of your system and trying it out. I’ve been extremely impressed with how flawlessly fedora pulls off dist upgrades in the past.