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It's the symbol for Angstrom, a unit of length 10^-10m https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angstrom

Small typo: 99.95% for regional. It's similar to AWS with a 99.9% for EKS clusters. Also not sure what GKE's new SLA reimbursement structure will be going forwards.

I really enjoyed that write up. The focus on a good UI/UX in platform teams is definitely something that resonates with me. I also really liked the article placing an emphasis on Platform teams providing value by having a better "glue" I thought was interesting. I hadn't really thought that glue could be a component where value could be added. I really like the pattern of tools like "Devhose" and in developing a tool specifically to be the glue that integrates well with other tools.

How does this compare to pgBackRest? https://pgbackrest.org/

What I've done before is use branch-buildID (develop-009) for tags, and then add detailed information like the git commit sha, git version tags, as labels. All of these labels were passed in as build args to Docker from the CI/CD system. One other important thing to consider is if you have docker tags that can be overwritten, which is the default in most repos, in the docker file it is useful to specify FROM sha256 checksum instead of labels for reproducible builds.

Yes, MSMBuilder is software package that uses them explicitly in protein dynamics simulations. The rationale behind it is it allows you to take trajectories from molecular dynamics simulations, and construct a markov state model out of the conformational state space of the protein. This is extremely useful in MM simulations, because it allows for the conformational space to be sampled by many smaller trajectories, instead of one longer trajectory where it is highly unlikely to sample the full state space anyways(gets stuck in local minima). This allows for molecular dynamics simulations to be done as High Thruoughput computing instead of HPC. Its the rationale behind Folding@home.

Edited for clarification

Input data could come from the protein database, which has catalogs of thousands of protein structures. The issue being is when is a protein folded? Do we have some known ending structure and we just need to get within an acceptable Root Mean Square Deviation? The other issue would be there need to be some sort of centralized server used to collect the resulting data, and create the Markov State Model.

I would personally recommend a Samsung Series 7 15.6" laptop. It has a super thin bezel around the screen so it form factor is more like a 14" laptop. It is less than an inch thick, and is very portable. Mine has an 17-2675QM quad core in it, and it is expandable to 12gigs of ram(4 gigs is soldered on the motherboard). It also has a radeon 6750m in it. But most importantly, it has a 1600x900 MATTE display. I run only ubuntu 12.10 on it, and it does take some configuration out of the box to get set up right, but a quick google search is all it took. Few minor things don't work on mine, but overall I am extremely happy with it.

You might as well get a laptop with a 1920x1080 display if you're going for 15.6". Or get a 14" laptop if you want 1600x900.

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