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Then, I guess Trump learned from the best.

Pushing a diverse melting pot isn't the same as forcing for white supremacy.

1. America is the melting pot of the world, no pushing is required. Hiring based on ability; regardless of color, religion, etc., is required.

2. Trump is pushing against white supremacy:


"Trump calls KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists 'repugnant'"

I use Google Domains, privacy guarding is free.

Damore should sue Gizmodo. Big companies like Google and IBM and the military though, they usually have CoC requirements that essentially boil down to don't embarrass them in public.

It isn't clear, and actually highly unlikely, that Damore leaked the memo to the public.

And leaking is a fireable offence at Google, yet those leakers are nowhere to be found, for some reason.

Why the sinister implication?

Unless I've misunderstood your tone, you seem to be implying complicity even conspiracy. Surely the obvious explanation is "anyone could have leaked it and it's very hard to prove who did it"?

No not really, this is about the DC riots on Inauguration Day which violated DC peace keeping laws, probably because it's the capitol of America, I'm thinking but read for yourself:


The rioters broke DC law. Nothing scary, nothing shocking, it's a click bait title and nothing more.

200 people were indicted on rioting charges. What use does the 1.3 million IP addresses have in those cases? How can the DoJ justify that disparity? So yes, it is a little scary.

TL; DR Woman startup CEO fires women, hires men who work for peanuts because men love coding and thus are higher "energy"; takes advantage of recent controversy to get free advertising on HN. Side note, said woman lacks professionalism and uses profanity in an appeal to the peanuts working, 20twenties'ish men reading the article.

I'm for FOS but I can support Google's decision on this since they also censor known terrorist organizations.

I know we love those Tempura Shrimp from Costco, that's all I know about it.

Programmers have been doing UI/UX and design for decades.

> I'm simply a good support player.

Ding! That's what we are, we're like outfielders in Baseball. You need great pitchers and catchers buy it's hard to win a game without good outfielders.

"The blockchain is an undeniably ingenious invention – the brainchild of a person or group of people known by the pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto."

It isn't even definitively known who invented blockchain, it is behind the pyramid scheme known as bitcoin and no, no way should that ever be used in voting system computers.

We detached this subthread from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14969875 and marked it off-topic.

The block chain is best known for bitcoin, but it's actually a really awesome tool for keeping public records safe.

Things like land ownership is vulnerable to manipulation. We don't think about it much in the west because our governments don't change the name of the owner of your house for money, but it's a real problem in corrupt countries.

It's also a major problem in shipping. Where ownership of containers is done with paper forms, that because of corruption have a higher cost of shipping than the actual container itself, and containers still get claimed with faked forms.

Know what Mærsk did to secure the container contracts? They used the block chain.

Much like container forms or land contracts, paper votes are only safe if your system isn't corrupt. With the block chain you could remove the need of relying on the system to be honest because everyone would be able to read the record.

Right now you rely on independent observers, and I hate to tell you this, but we've been unable to influence elections in corrupt countries so far.

When Putin wins with 900% of the votes in regions that hate him you can say that it seems unlikely, if they'd used block chain you would be able to see that it was a lie.

If you consider Bitcoin a pyramid scheme I would love to hear your treatise on fiat currency, fractional reserve banking, and capitalism in general.

I'll bite. What's the failure mode for a paper-money based fractional banking system with deposit insurance that makes it a pyramid scheme?

I don't think you know what a pyramid scheme is.

How about learning the definition of the words you use before throwing them around?

Personal attacks will get you banned on HN, regardless of how wrong someone else is, so please don't post like this again.


Personal attacks and incivility will get you banned on HN, regardless of how wrong someone else is, so please don't post like this again.

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