This is my favorite part of the culture change which is happening at Microsoft.
We are still working on it. And, it will take time.
Jeff's team, my team, the java team whose forked repo this unintentionally highlighted are working with dozens of other teams every week. Satya says we're all in on open source.
Hold Jeff and Me and all the leaders of Microsoft to that vision. Keep us accountable. And, know this takes time. Let's make technology and humanity healthier and more sustainable in 2022.
I realize that Microsoft is composed of many pieces, but that doesnt prevent me from treating it like a single entity. And that entity has IMHO done horrible things to it's own products and customers, so I'd rather they keep theirs hands off FLOSS as much as possible.
But if you treat it like a single entity, that means you also treat all the people working there like that entity. The janitor working at Microsoft doesn't deserve your ire, nor the secretaries, etc. But they work there, and carry around their logos on their backpacks and what not. Those people have feelings, and those feelings feel bad when the entity they work for is lashed out at. It does make one feel bad when one's company is raked over the coals, because it makes one feel responsible, even if one doesn't even know what's going on.
So, for the sake of the feelings of the innocent people who work there, I would ask everyone to please modulate the volume and intensity of ire that they project. Please speak truth to power, but don't be harsher than is needed to get your point across.
Wow, that's disappointing. I'm happy to facilitate another conversation (including a technical staff member to walk through your architecture) and see if we can articulate this better. If you're interested, please reach out on twitter and we can exchange email addresses @sarahnovotny.
We are still working on it. And, it will take time.
Jeff's team, my team, the java team whose forked repo this unintentionally highlighted are working with dozens of other teams every week. Satya says we're all in on open source.
Hold Jeff and Me and all the leaders of Microsoft to that vision. Keep us accountable. And, know this takes time. Let's make technology and humanity healthier and more sustainable in 2022.