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From what I can gather, Fry's main (only?) published concern about that existing inhumanity is that it may lead to an increase in antisemitism.

I agree with this entirely, and have griped about it to people (and here) before.

But I would never, under any but the most egregious circumstances, complain directly to a colleague who does it or (especially) send them this link.

People are different, and most people are different to me. I'm getting paid partly to deal with other people, so that's what I'll (sometimes grudgingly) do. If they're doing this all the time to each-other, my productivity is still going to be relatively high anyway.

> I would never ... complain directly to a colleague who does it

True. Nor would I. I would push for the company to publish guidelines about remote and asynchronous communication. And then if someone repeatedly communicated badly, I'd provide constructive feedback either directly to them or to their line manager.

I hit some sound issues in the Linux version, for anyone else with the same problem telling Steam to use Proton to run the Windows version instead is a workaround.

My only minor peeve with the sequel so far is that the logistics of moving stuff back to the central platform is pretty fiddly and time-consuming compared to the first one. I think there's an unlockable upgrade I'm nowhere near getting which might fix that though.

Yup, I too had issues with sound, the game seems to just use the first sound interface available, but it is relatively easy to change after starting (via KDE sound panel for me, but I imagine pavucontol should also work). The issue seems to be with Unity/FMOD on linux not the actual game. Newer versions of Unity seem to not have this issue and author was saying they are trying to see if they can upgrade.

PS I was attempting to make a pipewire LUA script that would auto connect the FMOD output to default interface but got stuck on querying and linking audio ports and interfaces, if someone has more Pipewire-Fu I am all ears!

I'm not sure if this approach can really work.

What I definitely would like to see is a requirement to preserve a working VM containing source code, assets and build tools, set up to compile everything without an internet connection. It'd be much more useful to have than old binaries when all this stuff eventually becomes public domain.

Alternatively, it's just entertainment and movie DRM is at worst annoying and counterproductive.

In X years time when humanity is struggling to rebuild civilisation in a radioactive wasteland I don't think the main problem will be the inability to find a copy of "Dumb And Dumber To". The real heroes will turn out to have been the contributors to Open Source and Open Access projects - Linux, Wikipedia, etc.

There are better things (often unpaid) developers could be doing than implementing DRM but also much much worse things.

There is quite a spectrum between Dumb and Dumber and the great works of art of our time. What runs in common is that both cases are often withheld from the public due to copyright.

I always found the DVD experience to be pretty horrible, with all the region-locking, menu garbage and unskippable nonsense. I never felt like a DVD was something I completely owned.

At least I could (thanks to DeCSS etc) rip the content off and write it to a blank disc to improve the experience... There are probably ways to do the same with Netflix content these days though, I guess.

> There are probably ways to do the same with Netflix content these days

There are but it's not something most end user will be able to do - because the DRM is something that can be realtively easily updated pirates tend to keep their hacks private. Ripping Blu-Rays on the other hand is quite available to anyone interested and gives you better quality than overcompressed streaming sites - but of course the discs are more expensive.

I thought the main way of doing it today was exploiting the terrible HDCP spec to downgrade it to 1.4 which is irrecoverably broken, then rip it from that.

The vacuum is not necessary here, something this simple is achievable with sand casting (search for "Delft Clay") and a bit of practice. Ensure the sprue is wide enough and air channels are plentiful, make sure the metal is as hot as it's possible to get it, and pour swiftly in one fluid motion.

The snag is that you need about 3X your desired weight in metal, which in gold is... probably more expensive than the vacuum casting setup! So maybe the above applies mainly to silver unless there's a good use for the rest of the gold.

I assume you could just sell the leftover gold for most of what you paid for it.

this is what i did! it cost me less than 100 bucks in supplies and just under 2k in various gold (14k-18k) i bought on ebay. i mixed in enough 24k to bring it up to 42 grams of 18k. i cast two sets of rings (11g + 2g) and had some leftover gold to recast into grains to share with our parents and future children.

The "very HN" thing for me is assuming a "winning strategy" has to be mass adoption. There's room for a smaller web full of nerds and geeks, we had that before and maybe we can have it again.

Indeed, that's why we are discussing on HN, not on Reddit. Exclusion as a design choice.

I ctrl-F'd "critical mass" and it turns out the point has already been made!

I had a similar idea years ago (and never got around to doing anything) and concluded I'd do the same as you, focus heavily on getting enough people using it in one place at a time...

The other thing I'd say is that "event" could have a broader meaning than the meetup/facebook definition. Sale at a local shop? Someone's giving away a piano? Yoga on the beach every Tuesday? I'd be happy to get notifications of everything like that within walking distance of my house, and the best part is if you focus on a single city initially you can scrape & ingest all that stuff from existing big & local websites to make Radius immediately useful without waiting for event organisers to sign up.

That's what I would have done if I wasn't so lazy, anyhow.

> The other thing I'd say is that "event" could have a broader meaning than the meetup/facebook definition. Sale at a local shop? Someone's giving away a piano? Yoga on the beach every Tuesday? I'd be happy to get notifications of everything like that within walking distance of my house, and the best part is if you focus on a single city initially you can scrape & ingest all that stuff from existing big & local websites to make Radius immediately useful without waiting for event organisers to sign up.

Yep, exactly! I've been trying to find a better term than "event" or "activity" for "things to do" or "things happening around you", but I think these phrases are the best I'll get. That's part of the problem with Meetup - it's fine(ish) for finding events of a certain type but there's so much other stuff that's not on there.

If you're looking for a way to fill the month ahead, or your weekend with stuff to do, you have to scout the info from tons of separate sources.

I just want an option in Slack that automatically rejects any message like "Are you busy?" or "Hi, I have a question" without notifying the recipient.

I can imagine a bot that one day responds to those messages automatically, using an AI with some instructions from the owner. The answers really don't even matter, so as long as no actual question was in the message, it can respond with anything that's polite. And it'll let the actual questions through.

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