It's possible to create a twitter account without a phone number. You'll initially get suspended and get an email stating why. Just reply to that email (open a ticket) and they will approve the account without a phone number.
Do you mean the account should have 600k at the time of kid starting college? Does the 600k include gains from the investment in 529 or is it just the principal?
That figure includes the gains, and represents approximately how much college will cost in 13 years if trends continue. My point was that $600k for going to college sounds so ridiculous that the trend shouldn't be able to continue.
Ledger is closed source, which is not great. Also, we've submitted bug reports to them before explaining how malware on a laptop could extract coins from users, and the response we got was 'won't fix'...
Which is not great. The entire reason you use a hardware wallet is because you assume that less secure hardware has been compromised.
I don't know that I would go as far as saying 'don't use ledger' though, all the hardware wallets have pros and cons and we don't really have a champion 'this one is best' yet. Though I might point to as being on the right track.
I endeavoured when starting a new job last year to be totally digital - I use MS OneNote on a Surface Pro. The experience is very close to using a gel pen on paper for me. The handwriting recognition is remarkably good - I don't really write much but occasionally I'm searching for something and it finds my marginal notes. 20 years of almost exclusive keyboard writing has taken is toll on my already poor handwriting.
I know what you mean. My handwriting was always awful, even during school/university. But I think it pays off to actually take a few minutes a day to try to improve it. For me, I had to start writing a bit slower, to get used to the forms, and doing it correctly, and then, try to do them a bit faster over time
It's pretty close. The tactile sensation of writing against paper versus glass is different.
I do wish pencil could be attached to the ipad easily without having to buy a special case though as they always tend to separate in my household and having to go hunt the stylus down makes it a lot less useful.