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We tweaked the copy a bit. Would love your suggestions on something better. Thanks for the constructive feedback!

What did you tweak? I'm not a technical person so don't understand why those specific use-cases are bad. If you want the majority of Linkedin users to care about the cause, you ought to put it in language that the vast, non-technical majority will understand.

Another academic networking site for scientists is ResearchGate. http://www.researchgate.net/

ResearchGate as a replacement for LinkedIn, on account of LinkedIn's spammy tactics? I can only hope this was meant in jest; if so: well-played, friend, well-played indeed. ResearchGate has taken dark marketing into the realm of high art.

For academics - Researchgate.

LinkedIn competitors - Viadeo (big in Europe, LatAm, Asia) and Xing (big in German-speaking countries).

Better integration doesn't mean spam (LinkedIn already has that feature in spades). It means allowing apps to leverage your work connections to provide better tools for you to use.

Not sure where you're going with that, have you read the official post from LinkedIn or the Wired Article? That will help give better context to my comment.

OP here. So the FDR verbage is not popular.

Anyone willing to help write better text? Please email contact@stopusinglinkedin.com and we'll get it swapped out.

Apologies for the intro copy faux pas.

I'd feel better about helping you if I knew who you were. For all I know, you represent a shady company who tried to make bank by scraping LinkedIn data and creating customized phishing profiles.

It's a play on the famous "Infamy Speech" by FDR. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infamy_Speech

That was clear enough, and it was kind of sad; this is for many users a non-issue, so parodying the response to a surprise act of war seems a bit grandiose.

As a user, I'm not terribly concerned about whether you (et al.) can build an application against some other site more easily, and your argument

> only works if that platform is open and your data portable

is undermined by your own link to their article on exporting data. ("Full name, email address, current employer, and position are exported") Can you help me understand why this is such a problem?

Insanely addicting. I'm building out my own little peninsula of words.

Needs a minimap to get around.

Very high on our list of post-competition features. Not just for the usability; we also think the game board would make an gigantic, amazing poster. ;)

Don't forget:

695 - Mongoid http://github.com/durran/mongoid

seems to be the Rails/Mongo project to watch. They got a slick looking homepage too: http://mongoid.org

Hoping to try using it on my next project.

We've used both MongoMapper and Mongoid, and are very happy with Mongoid. It has nice ActiveModel integration, so it works quite well with Rails 3.

Seconded, using Mongoid over MM here too. It rocks.

Currently the choice between MongoMapper and Mongoid is pretty simple. If you're using Rails 2.3.x, MongoMapper. If you're using Rails 3, Mongoid. The ActiveModel integration is key for Rails 3. Mongoid also has great documentation. MongoMapper does not as much consolidated documentation.

I'd also recommend checking out my MongoModel project, especially if you have been dissatisfied with the way MongoMapper or Mongoid do things.

http://github.com/spohlenz/mongomodel http://www.mongomodel.org

It's not quite as mature, but more documentation updates are currently in progress.

Not sure I totally understand. But it looks like its just a rewrite of MongoMapper for Rails3? Seems like the structure is very similar.

What didn't you like about MongoMapper and/or Mongoid? Starting from scratch is a big job.

Firstly, MongoModel was started back in November '09 when both MongoModel and and Mongoid were much less mature than they are now. I spent some time contributing patches to MongoMapper but stumbled as I was working on edge rails.

MongoMapper in particular has come a long way since then but still has a few issues in my mind. For example, attributes are converted to/from their mongo representation every single time they are accessed, rather than only when the model is saved or loaded. I also believe MongoModel has a nicer model for typecasting property values (see http://gist.github.com/287379 for an example), and I disagree with the use of has_many associations for embedded collections.

MongoModel isn't perfect either, but it has been the path of least resistance for me in getting my app running on MongoDB.

Cool, thanks for the explanation. Btw, mongoid has a new association dsl that I think makes way more sense. embedded_in, embeds_many, referenced_in, references_many. I bet the project would love to see you as a contributor.

There's my awesome launch page :-): http://ruperp.comingsoooon.com/

Not sure if the page is a joke, but randomly I thought I'd mention you might not want to publicly "sell" equity for a venture. I don't think that goes over well with US regulators if you're in the US (I'm no lawyer, but that's what I've heard).

Heh, looked like a joke to me. Similar to the launch page Webware made: http://www.webware.com/8301-1_109-9973373-2.html

$400,000 valuation?

Great suggestion, very cool site! Someone should submit this as a HN link. Pretty useful resource for hackers I think. I have like 70 domains that are just sitting around with lame Godaddy parking pages (with godaddy adwords). I'll probably spend some time tomorrow and just convert them all to LaunchSplash parking pages.

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