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I opened this on a mobile device, and it only shows the top and bottom topic buttons. I was pretty confused until I tried turning on "desktop site" in Chrome and saw the left/right buttons. Having only a linear track of topics kind of undermines the overall idea!

yeah was originally a way to keep mobile more constrained and usable -- but definitely isn't as fun. Will add 4 directions back in on mobile :)

What brand of toothpaste do you use for this? I often struggle to find a toothpaste that's SLS-free but still has fluoride.

Also see Hello toothpaste (not affiliated) which has fluoride but not SLS: https://www.hello-products.com/products/naturally-whitening-...

Same problem for me, constant canker sores. Switching to Hello hasn't totally eliminated them, but it has reduced them.

If you don't mind a baking soda toothpaste, then another option is Trader Joe's. They made a baking soda & fluoride toothpaste that is SLS free. Been using it for a number of years now... Though it's been briefly discontinued and is slated to be back later this year.

Sensodyne is one that's readily available at most stores.

> here are the empirical distribution functions (ECDFs) with 30ms added to each response time

> The added constant seems artificial, but it's just viewing the results from the point of view of a client with 30ms ping time. Otherwise the log scaled x-axis would overemphasize the importance of a few milliseconds at the low end.

I thought this was interesting - maybe it's a standard practice I was just unaware of but it seems like a smart trick.

Doesn't this suffer from similar issues to a pie chart?

e.g. https://scc.ms.unimelb.edu.au/resources/data-visualisation-a...

I'm kinda suspicious that any data visualization that uses a circle is going to be hard to draw meaning from.

Yes and no. When trying to show quantitative data in terms of areas or angles, then you are spot-on: same issues. But these plots, or chord diagrams more generally, are often used to show relationships (like translocations, inversions or duplications in genomes) in context of other landmarks. This use is common and less troublesome. A real problem with Circos plots is that it's so tempting to keep adding additional tracks of "information" that plots get ridiculous. It becomes like staring at the Voynich manuscript: uninterpretable but so compellingly pretty it must mean something.

Are pie charts bad or just misused?

They aren’t good at measuring small quantities. But it is easy to see 1/4 or 1/2 of a circle. And it is easy to see if something is a straight line, 90 degree, or a little more or less than either of those.

Compared to a bar graph, it seems a little easier to spot that one quantity is, like, half of another. And it is easier to visually sum of a collection of quantities, on a bar graph this is a major pain (unless it is stacked of course but that’s another type of graph).

> The drones can be configured to scatter seed, spray pesticide, or spread fertilizer.

It's right there in the article.

Completely missed that somehow. Thanks!

The tone is entertaining, but some of the snarkiness around the code is bit frustrating at times. e.g.

> # do i really need to say I'm not serious about this?

Can you just come out and say what you mean here? Like, presumably it's bad, insecure code, but can't you just spell it out for the benefit of your audience?

I'm probably being really picky here - just find this kind of developer in-crowd signalling to be really irritating and counterproductive.

The Python code here is essentially just pseudocode. In reality, if you build a Python Macaroon implementation, you'd pull in pyca/cryptography and use an actual AEAD, rather than rolling your own authenticated cipher out of pure HMAC. But the point is that this isn't real code, just enough to make the concepts concrete.

That's a great explanation, and pretty much exactly what I'd love to see instead of the original slightly mysterious comment :)

Yes, you articulated what I think often when I read a tpt post. Enjoy the casual writing but feel like I’m frequently left out of the joke.

I understand all these concepts in general but looking at a block of code… I’m supposed to 1) know if it’s serious/not and 2) he’s being sarcastic about it not.

I even know Python well but the whole post is so “inside baseball” am not sure what to think. Guessing the bulk of the audience is not grizzled security engineers.

(I’d recommend another summary/details tag to put the grandparent explanation directly into the fly post.)

Which parts seemed "inside baseball" to you?

hmac and attenuation for starters.

I read your related piece a few years ago but apparently didn’t retain much, due to not using it every day. Knowledge went out to backup tape.

So, come to yesterday’s piece. I remember the abbev. HMAC but have to look it up. Didn’t get the use case. No idea what attenuation meant in this context… thought of sound and plowed ahead. Gave up by the middle of the piece, lost.

But, then saw the link to the old piece, and read it top to bottom. Ok, now I get it! Reread and got the second piece. Understand finally but still not entirely clear why you were dissing your work.

Read another related piece on why json and xml are discredited for this kind of work.

Often upfront in a piece the author will say read this first, define some jargon, and “why’s”. (The why is often what I care about most.) These go well with the details/summary tags. Well, looks like you used a button for that but same idea.

Experienced dev here but haven’t just spent two years building an iam system. Slightly more acknowledgment of that upfront would work wonders.

OK! That's helpful.

The only unserious code in this post, for what it's worth, is a couple functions that make an authenticated stream cipher out of HMAC, because the Python standard library doesn't have an encryption function that I could find.

Ok, don’t believe there’s full encryption because it changes often and better to let the community experts handle. (Besides the ancient crypt module.)

But the recent secrets module might have some building blocks you could use.

This whole thread reminds me of a Hollywood sequel—need to spend ten minutes regurgitating the backstory to an audience who maybe saw the movie two years ago.

Hence the unseriousness of the code. Like I said, in real code you'd use pyca/cryptography.

I can always appreciate that these types of stripped-down examples are merely for illustrative, conceptual purposes...but the ignoramus in me would also appreciate links to fleshed-out examples that take into account the shortcomings of the simpler example.

Our actual Macaroon code is linked at the bottom of the article.

I studied that code and the comment for a good 10 minutes. As far as I can tell it just obfuscates, and is not actually implementing authenticated encryption. It would help to just come out and say that part out loud.

True fact: Salsa20 is itself a hash function, keyed, and running in a counter mode.

>I'm probably being really picky here - just find this kind of developer in-crowd signalling to be really irritating and counterproductive.

Why is it "developer in-crowd signalling" rather than just a joke? IOW I read this as saying the jokes were "as bad as" virtue-signalling.

It's a statement that won't make sense to someone who's new to the topic.

I don't think it's related to virtue signalling at all, the two just share the word "signalling".

I once inherited a codebase that did this, and it was a nightmare to learn. All the classes were named after types of alcohol for some reason. Naming things clearly is really hard, but this approach is just giving up completely.

It needs the right balance. 95%+ of classes absolutely should not do this, but it's great for the handful of times when a class is complex, nuanced, and used prolifically.

Assuming good documentation, it just means a few extra minutes learning what some terms mean, and that's worth it in the long run in my experience.

> the handful of times when a class is complex, nuanced, and used prolifically

Is there a way to describe an example of such a class? That sounds like it could have a proper descriptive name, it'd just be a bit harder to come up with.

I wouldn't want that for my math scripts, either.

> 10GB is hardly enough. Once you import Pandas you’re on the limit. You can forget Pandas and scipy at the same Lambda.

This sounds way off to me. 10 GB to install a Python library?

I also thought this seemed extremely odd.

Here is an unoptimized example, built on an M1 Mac:

    $ cat <<EOF > Dockerfile
    FROM python:3.12-slim-bookworm
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3-pip
    RUN pip install pandas
    LABEL "name"="python-pandas"
    ENTRYPOINT ["python3"]

    $ docker image ls -f 'label'='name'='python-pandas'
    REPOSITORY               TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
    sgarland/python-pandas   latest    89e31f6eb83d   9 minutes ago   764MB
A more optimized version:

    $ cat <<EOF > Dockerfile
    FROM python:3.12-slim-bookworm
    RUN apt-get update && \
        apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends python3-pip && \
        pip install pandas && \
        apt-get purge -y --autoremove python3-pip && \
        rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
    LABEL "name"="python-pandas"
    ENTRYPOINT ["python3"]

    $ docker image ls -f 'label'='name'='python-pandas'
    REPOSITORY               TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
    sgarland/python-pandas   smaller   102308842b88   4 seconds ago    342MB
    sgarland/python-pandas   latest    89e31f6eb83d   27 minutes ago   764MB
Even adding in scipy didn't crack 500 MB:

    $ docker image ls -f 'label'='name'='python-pandas'
    REPOSITORY               TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
    sgarland/python-pandas   scipy     808535284f03   3 minutes ago    497MB
    sgarland/python-pandas   smaller   102308842b88   9 minutes ago    342MB
    sgarland/python-pandas   latest    89e31f6eb83d   36 minutes ago   764MB
I'm not sure how they managed 10 GB. Here's the non-slim version, with no optimizations (this is much larger because `python3-pip` has the system default Python interpreter as as dependency, so this installs Python3.11 into the image):

    $ cat <<EOF > Dockerfile
    FROM python:3.12-bookworm
    RUN apt-get update
    RUN apt-get install -y python3-pip
    RUN pip install pandas scipy
    LABEL "name"="python-pandas"
    ENTRYPOINT ["python3"]

    $ docker image ls -f 'label'='name'='python-pandas'
    REPOSITORY               TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
    sgarland/python-pandas   bigger    f8f98e9a241c   8 seconds ago    1.44GB
    sgarland/python-pandas   scipy     808535284f03   3 minutes ago    497MB
    sgarland/python-pandas   smaller   102308842b88   9 minutes ago    342MB
    sgarland/python-pandas   latest    89e31f6eb83d   36 minutes ago   764MB

Not quite to your specs, but have you tried https://www.room-assistant.io/?

Interesting that most of the top comments here seem to be about the day to day process of estimation itself, when the linked article is about how poorly the research on estimation has been done to date. Did any of you actually read the article?

Glad I am not the only one who noticed this, thought I was reading the wrong thread. Software engineering research is something I was interested in a long time ago, so hoped for a better, more on-topic discussion.

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