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I watched this unfold on Twitter, and it was a third-party related to the woman that decided to "out" themselves.

It's not an easy position for a conference organizer to be in.

I watched this unfold on twitter, and in the organizer's defense, he only addressed the situation and the culprits after those people started a public discussion regarding the ban. The organizer was defending himself.

It's a difficult situation to be in.

Moral of the story: Strike first, strike hard, no mercy?

More reasonably but still on the aggressive side, does this mean that now we have to publicly announce when speaker invitations are rescinded to get ahead of the story?

At first glance, it kind of does. Although it makes you wonder what you'd actually put in this public announcement. Would you simply state the facts (along the lines of "sorry, but X isn't going to be speaking after all.") or would there be more detail (read: speculation) included?

I don't really think there's a way to win this. In the event that you're wrong, it'll blow up. In the event that you're right, it still probably will blow up, depending on whether that person (or their fans) go on the offensive or not.

The only actual winning move is not to have played (only inviting people that you know, doing advanced due diligence on anyone a degree of separation away), but are you really winning if you do that? It would seem to seriously limit your horizons.

Pretty cool show.

I think it is wise to publicly announce both speakers who have accepted invitations and speakers whose invitations were revoked (don't even have to say they are revoked, simply stating "unfortunately John Doe will not be speaking in our conf" should be sufficient). If not for these situations, then simply to inform visitors whom they can expect to hear in the conference.

The answer here confirms what you said: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=500807

I stand corrected.

Probably because 2003 requires Flash!

With the death of Flash comes the loss of a huge part of internet cultural history, mostly interactive parts - as at least flash cartoons can be rendered to video and put up on YouTube. There were a lot of innovative games and concepts on sites like MiniClip and Newgrounds.

I remember seeing a very early demo of a <canvas>-based SWF player shortly after the iPhone came out - I wonder what would have happened to Flash if Adobe, Apple, or Google put effort into making it work the same way they did with the JavaScript-based PDF renderer.

Same with the death of Java applets. There were a lot of neat educational Java applets, especially in STEM subjects. Some have been recreated in JavaScript, but a lot are gone.

I remember downloading a VR web pages of a cell and atom in 2000s and hoping to get a magazine CD with a VRML player plugin. It may have been 25MB to download, but it took hours of billable phone time. Seems that dream is lost forever.

I think you have answered your own question: it's one less thing to worry about in your stack.

If you're targeting modern evergreen browsers you already have a lot of modern features at your disposal, including ES6 modules, async/await, string interpolation, but we're not using them.

In fact, I'd say that it's way more than "one thing" that you can stop worrying about: you won't need Webpack/Rollup/etc, Babel, NPM/Yarn, Node.js itself, etc.

This is similar to Brazilian banks too. Both public and private.

They stoped using ActiveX in the 00s but then started requiring the user to install some rootkit-like security software that was nearly impossible to uninstall and was probably able to spy on users.

Now they some of them have an app that is basically a bundled browser accessing their regular website.

For those curious about how the website looked before the removal, here's a Web Archive link:


Is this just a static site? Or did it have known attack vectors like a insecure Wordpress plugin. Unfortunately this is giving me more questions than answers the longer I try to understand if this ‘hacking’ is just defacement or something more nefarious.

After checking the archived content on [1], as posted by Updtrenda, it seems that it was just a bunch of HTML files indeed.

If this is really the case, I don't see why they can't just put it on a Torrent and distribute it. Or even host a mirror on S3 or Netlify.

[1] http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://kaiserpapers.org/*

The parent asked about Low End Stock, not about Netlify

IME: It really depends. It's not a silver bullet, you HAVE to measure and calculate [1]. The pricing is transparent, so it's more predictable.

My experience with single-function lambdas in JS was very positive, because they're quick to run and don't consume too much memory. They're also quicker to write and to publish, IMO. Some apps are virtually free to run.

Bloated-but-low-traffic enterprise apps are also a good fit, because the low traffic offsets the memory/execution time. I think Microsoft is in a great position here, because of Azure.

Customer facing app using an MVC framework? No way. Even Heroku can be 100x to 1000x cheaper.

[1] Here's a calculator: http://serverlesscalc.com

> The "write-raw-SQL-with-raw-strings" approach has one serious issue -- sql-injections.

Nobody has advocated writing "raw SQL with raw strings" in years.

The valid way of using Raw SQL is using prepared statements and parametrized queries.

This method will protect you from SQL injection, will handle most issues with type/conversions and the queries are cacheable, so it's fast too.

Parametrization is handled by the database itself (not the specific driver), so it is battle tested.


> Nobody has advocated writing "raw SQL with raw strings" in years.

It is an overstatement. Every time I look into some random PHP code I see there raw SQL with raw strings. Maybe it is just me being "lucky"?

By the way, the thread starter comment was mentioned it, I got phrase from it.

“Random PHP code” might be the operative phrase there.

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