I live in Asia. Passengers are treated with respect, I've never seen a 'surely' employee, nor do I remember seeing a misbehaving passenger, other than a drunk Russian guy who had shit himself by 9am while checking in. His wife didn't look happy.
I find it's good to blow the food out of your teeth, but I'm not sure it's as good as flossing. Not that I know much about flossing. I'm lazy and only do it if there is food stuck in my teeth.
I had a small studio apartment in Japan. My gas powered regular clothes dryer sat above my washing machine thus taking up no space. This article is stupid. And most of this pontificating about the article is a waste of time.
In my experience of living and travelling in East and Southeast Asia, it seems like Rinnai frequently has a close relationship with the monopoly/dominant natual gas utlity. This makes sense to me.
Basic controls typically accessed while the vehicle is moving should be buttons and knobs which don't need to be looked at after the learning curve. This should be obvious to anyone with half a brain.