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How can something that feels like nothing change how you feel and act?

The answer: It can't, electrocuting your brain might work for some types of ADHD (maybe for example for the people who have a type of ADHD caused by tight cranial muscles).

But I severely doubt it will cure ADHD caused by more complex things like inflammation or genetic changes to dopamine synapses or one of the other (uncountable many) reasons that can be behind an individuals ADHD symptoms.

The simplest way that I could put it using words is:

The number is what it is cause it's "increment of increment" is the same as it's "increment" when you are using exponentiation.

Personally I have always attributed my tendency of that to the fact that I sit on chairs or at a table when I talk about these types of things. So they are convenient examples to use in the moment, examples of objects that people have a good understanding of (or so they think).

I would not trust something that drives as fast as that car does in that type of fog.

But I trust my open pilot device, but a large part of that is that I can see on the screen actually what it intends to do.

Would be very useful if one they used it to predict the structure and interaction of the known variants to.

Would be very helpful when predicting if a mutation on a protein would lead to loss of function for the protein.

A company that had “Don't be evil” as the motto.

No it is a company that removed the text “Don't be evil” from their motto.

Who gets to decide what's "evil"? You? Why?

Evil definition: adjective - profoundly immoral and wicked.

Society communally “decides” the definition of words.

Its not actually more eco friendly than placing the cargo on a container ship.

The fuel cost for moving one container over the Atlantic on a big container ship is about 30$. A container takes 30 tons. So 12 containers could move that cargo for a fuel cost of 360$, the scale is unbeatable; both economically and environmentally.

Things like this can only ever be a type of artistic thing rather than used for real shipping.

How is 360$ of fuel more eco-friendly than 0$ ? I don't get your argument

Just cause it is a sailing vessel does not mean it does not have an engine. It probably uses a couple of 100 liters of disel to get in and out of port, driving generators and heating the boat.

On top of that the sails will degrade with time and the ship will need to be repaired and there is allot more crew and manpower needed per unit of cargo.

Everything has environmental cost in CO2 emissions, and the amount of useful work you get from a large container ship per amount CO2 emissions is insane. The only thing that can get you those kinds of numbers is scale.

According to [0], a typical container ship generate 12.5 g of CO2 per ton per km, which means that one trip from France to NY with 350T of cargo would release about 35T of CO2 in the atmosphere.

I'm convinced that this sail boat generates an order of magnitude less of that (I can't find any estimate of it)

Whatever the initial CO2 cost of the construction of this boat is, I'm sure that it's a net benefits if it's used long enough

[0]: https://www.ecsa.eu/sites/default/files/publications/2020%20...

Modern container ships are more like 3g per ton (page 5):


6000km from France to NY

3g * 6000km * 350tones / 1000 / 1000 = 6.3 metric tones of CO2.

I don't know how much disel the sail ship might use, but 6.4 tones of C02 is equivalent of 1974L of disel.

According to their own website https://graindesail-logistics.com/en/ they aim for 1.8 g off CO2 per km per ton.

1.8 is lower than 3g. If those aims are reached I guess they are "more green" than I thought. But the gain is quite small, if you truck that cargo for 160km all the CO2 savings are gone. A modern truck emits 45g of CO2 per km.

It doesn't really make sense to compare a 350T sail boat with a super tanker, a comparable diesel boat produce 36g per ton per km(according to the same report), the "grain de sail II" aims to replace those, and the gains are huge.

Well that comparision is what we were doing here.

There are market niches for many things that target things that are impractical for various reasons. There is nothing wrong with that.

That was apparently a track that was not his own, he was only a partial co author of that track.

Safari already does that. Quite a useful feature.

Specifically, only Apple Silicon allows automatic OCR. Works on iOS too.

It works on Intel Safari as well.

It doesn’t work on my Intel Macs unless it’s really slow.

It works for me on an Intel MPB (2020) but it's probably a lot slower.

On this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typeface it takes almost ~10 seconds for the text in the first image to become selectable after page load.

With local images / PDFs in Preview it's really quick though

Maybe it is! I mostly use it to select text in social media images for which it feels reasonably responsive.


You can also use MacOS's OCR capability to create a shortcut that allows you to copy and paste the text out of any region on the screen -- for example, a stack trace someone is showing you in a screen share.


No, with the top reason as to why not being that Maersk did not construct the ship.

Saying that Maersk is at blame is like blaming the airline instead of Boeing.. if you want to make that parallel.

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