I have been wanting to look into tiling managers, but I was always putting it off because of tasks I had to do. I read this post, and it made me look into how to use the default tiling manager of my current distro (Using Kubuntu and Plasma). It literally is Cmd-T, pick a default layout (the upper right area has some default ones, too), and then whenever you want to tile, just shift drag the window and it will snap. Been using it all day and I love it. The article does not talk about this one, but man, glad it made me wonder about it.
Sidenote: I find it funny that somebody that is trying to create a product that competes with Apple and Google ends up showing both of their logos in many places of their most important marketing video.
The cool thing about django admin is how easy it is to customize within the bounds that it was designed for. You have one liners to add calculated values, complex filters, inline records from related tables, a permission model to limit operations and/or access to certain objects (or records), custom actions on a set or subset of items, import/export, etc etc. 99% of it without touching HTML or CSS. If you need something more complex, you just build it, but right out of the box it provides a lot of options for the content managers. If you stay within the bounds of how it was designed, the extensibility model is solid.
It is not just a UI just for CRUD. You can easily add custom actions (calls to web services, export/imports, heavy background tasks that operate on a row or collections of rows), filters, related tables with custom behavior, display custom derived/calculated values, etc. Additionally, you can skin it easily - and in some cases, even create dashboards in a very simple manner. Check out out Django Unfold for an example https://github.com/unfoldadmin/django-unfold
Of course it’s possible to customize and extend, just as with other frameworks it is possible. We aren’t talking about closed systems here.
Even writing a fully custom “admin” interface for one part of a business process isn’t usually much work if the system itself (which Django would also depend on) is reasonably designed.
Writing something from scratch isn’t that difficult, and you get exactly what you need without fighting against the framework.
if your model is a choicefield, then it only shows you those values and you can’t do what you are describing. Additionally, you have validation that can happen at the class level, group of fields, or field.
If you had included MultiConfig options that added Soundblaster8/Soundblaster16, with CDROM or without it... AND their complementary AUTOEXEC.BAT options that would trigger based on the CONFIG.SYS, then that would have been my system config! Without being able to squeeze every single kb of memory possible, there was no way to play Sam and Max or Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, while still having a system that can boot Windows 3.1 :-)
Yeah, it was great having a menu instead of a collection of different boot floppies. Though at this point I forget how much I did with MultiConfig versus once I had enough RAM what I was doing with OS/2's boot manager. OS/2 Warp 3 was wild, but mostly because it was a better way to configure DOS and/or run some DOS and Windows 3.1 apps.
I wanted to understand what NUC is and what it is used for… but after 13th mention of “NUC” (as if we all knew wth it was), I just gave up. Bad marketing always hurts more than help.
Next Unit of Computing; basically a computer system that's been pushed to the limit of size vs performance using client CPUs. It's only of those classic computer industry TLAs (three letter acronyms) where they assume everyone knows what it means, even though you'd never work it out on your own.