I started my daughters at 4. We would play in a Python interpreter as a group. The idea was not about teaching syntax but showing them that code == fun stuff. We have continued with that theme for a while. At 6 they started playing more with Python on their own and one of them did Hackety Hack for a week or so. They're 7 now and we've played with Arduino a little but including them adjusting parameters in the source. I continue to expose and encourage them, but not require them. I try to keep the time blocks small to keep their attention. I would rather leave them wanting more than feeling like they were forced to learn.
GoDaddy previously invested time and money into supporting this legislation: "have worked with federal lawmakers for months to help craft revisions to legislation first introduced some three years ago."
Let's see them invest some time and money into stopping SOPA. Making a statement is one thing, but money is speech these days and they can afford better lobbyists than we can.
Am I the only one who read this in Yoda's voice?